Будем рады сотрудничеству!
1. | Name of the project: | Summer reading room in the open air |
2. | Project implementation period: | June-August 2021 |
3. | Applicant organization proposing the project: | The state cultural institution "Lepel Centralized Library System" was created on the basis of the decision of the Lepel District Executive Committee of November 22, 2013 No. 1238. The organ of state administration of the institution is the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Lepel district executive committee. The activities of the institution are aimed at meeting the information, cultural and other needs of users. The institution works in close cooperation with educational institutions of the district, local executive authorities, the territorial center of social services for the population of the Lepel district, etc. |
4. | Project goals: | -creation and organization of work of an innovative mobile library platform "Open air" for reading and intellectual recreation; -stimulating public interest in books and reading; - assistance in improving the literacy and education of the local population; - introduction to reading of children and their parents, adolescents and youth through the organization of a modern, convenient, mobile space for relaxation, reading and communication on a fresh vacation. |
5. | Tasks planned for implementation within the framework of the project: | - to bring the library as close as possible to the reader; - to create more favorable conditions for family reading, organization of cultural leisure for young families, children and adolescents (including disabled children, children and adolescents from low-income and disadvantaged families, minors who are on various types of records) in the open areas of the city in the summer ; - to develop a set of activities for a mobile library platform and fill the summer leisure of residents with interesting and useful content; - to form in users the need for reading, intellectual relaxation and a healthy lifestyle; - to organize cooperation between the library and educational institutions of the city and region in the summer. |
6. | Target group: | Children and adolescents (including disabled children, children and adolescents from low-income and disadvantaged families, minors registered with various types of registration), youth, parents, teachers of children's educational institutions, the population of the city and the region. |
7. | Brief description of project activities: | For the library to hold creative events, a creative space is also needed - a summer outdoor reading room located in a convenient place for residents, which can be easily assembled using a pavilion tent, mobile shelves and plastic furniture. Such a library platform will create a modern service area where anyone can become a reader without rules and conventions; to present the richness and diversity of the book and magazine fund; attract new readers to the walls of the library. The summer reading room will become a place for intellectual and entertainment recreation for children and teenagers. Here you can not only read books and magazines in comfortable conditions in the fresh air, but also take a reading speed test, fight in a poetry battle, draw your favorite character, take part in various competitions, master classes and tournaments in board games, etc. etc. |
8. | Total Funding (USD): 15,500 | |
Source of financing
Amount of financing (in USD)Donor funds
9. Location of the project (region / district, city): Vitebsk region, Lepel district, Lepel 10. The contact person: Mazgo Elena Viktorovna, Director of the State Institution of Culture "Lepel Centralized Library System", contact phone:8 (02132) 3 62 07; +375(29) 516 81 93 e-mail: Lepelcbs@tut.by
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