Spotlight 9 Module 7 . Problem SolvingSpotlight 9 Module 7 Problem Solving Сегодня вы будете работать над очень важной для себя темой: типичные для подростков эмоциональные состояния и психологические проблемы. Размышляя над текстом, выпишите полезные слова и выражения и постарайтесь применить их к себе лично. Это поможет не только в изучении языка, но и в личностном самоанализе. А значит, в развитии. Вы будете работать над разными текстами. Главное точно и полно ответить на поставленные вопросы, используя текст. Ответы прошу прислать в день урока!
Group 1 · Пройди по ссылке и ознакомься с содержанием текста: https://media.prosv.ru/static/books-viewer/index.html?path=/media/ebook/321928/&pageFrom=177&pageTo=177 · Answer the following questions using the words and expressions from the text. 1. What is the text about? 2. Why do young people call the helpline? 3. What most common emotional states do teenagers deal with? 4. What are the most typical teenage issues? 5. Is this service free? 6. Who works there? 7. What are the main principles of their work? 8. Have you ever called a helpline? Why/Why not? 9. What advice would you give to a teenager who has arguments with his/her classmates? 10. What other opportunities does a typical teenager have if they want some psychological help?
Group 2 · Ознакомься с содержанием текста.
· Answer the following questions using the words and expressions from the text. 1. What is the text about? 2. Why is your age very special? 3. Do parents always understand you? Give reasons. 4. What hopes do teenagers have about their future? 5. What do they have no time for? 6. What are the most typical problems teenagers face? 7. How do you cope with such problems? 8. Is it simple to be young? 9. What wonderful things can happen to you at 15-16? 10. What advice would you give to a teenager who has arguments with his/her parents?
Group 3 · Ознакомься с содержанием текста. · Answer the following questions using the words and expressions from the text. 1. What is the text about? 2. What types of problems do teenagers have? 3. What examples do these categories include? 4. What other examples can you give? 5. Why is it important to recognize that the problem exists? 6. Who can help you in solving the problem? 7. What other things can be helpful? 8. How do you cope with such problems? 9. Is it difficult to be young? 10. What advice would you give to a teenager who has arguments with his/her teachers?