She eats too much chocolate. I don’t know what I can do … it. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 1. She eats too much chocolate. I don’t know what I can do … it. 1. About 2. Down 3. Up
2. Our director did … the uniforms on Friday. Although I loved the form, I am happy with his decision. 2. Out 3. By 4. Away with 3. Never forget to do … you seat belt no matter whether you are a driver or a passenger. 3. For 4. Out 5. Up
4. What have you done … all the books I brought yesterday? 4. Away with 5. With 6. In
5. You will have to spend a day … a car while they fix it. 5. Without 6. Down 7. Up
6. This competition did him … completely. He needs to get a lot of sleep. 6. For 7. Without 8. In
7. Alison had to do the presentation …. 7. Down 8. Over 9. Off
8. I think this car isn’t worth repairing. It is done …. 8. For 9. In 10. Out
9. Ginny is considering hiring a housekeeper to do … chores. 9. Without 10. Up 11. Down
10. There are companies that buy old houses, do them … and sell more expensively. 10. Off 11. Up 12. For
11. You cannot do … crimes by doing something illegal. 11. Away with 12. Under 13. Without
12. Why do you always need to do somebody …? 12. Off 13. Down 14. With Домашнее задание. Выберите верный вариант восклицания. Переведите предложения.
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