Stages in ProgrammingСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Раздаточный материал к практическому занятию: "Компьютерные вирусы и способы избавления от них"
Упражнение 1. Read aloud, translate the derivatives, memorize. Прочтите вслух, допишите перевод производных слов, запомните:
executive (сущ.) исполнительный орган, должностное лицо executive (прил.)___________ leverage подъемная сила, способ достижения цели to leverage____________ involvement вовлечение, участие, запутанность to involve____________ to buy-in закупать, выкупать bat бита, палка, бить (битой) to decide решать(ся), принимать решение to bore надоедать; с трудом пробивать себе путь disgruntle сердить, раздражать employee служащий, работающий по найму spy шпион; заметить, увидеть, разглядеть intelligence ум, рассудок, смышленость estimation суждение, оценка, подсчет to estimate____________ skill искусство, мастерство, умение implement орудие, инструмент, прибор assessment оценка, обложение, сумма обложения undertake предпринимать, брать обязательства to enhance увеличивать, усиливать, усугублять enhancement____________ vulnerability уязвимость, ранимость tip намек, совет, подсказка environment окружение, окружающая среда extant сохранившийся, существующий, наличный to exist существовать, находиться, быть in regard to в отношении
Упражнение 2. Choose the correct variant: Выберите правильный вариант перевода:
Упражнение 3. In the following sentences underline word-combinations and translate them. В следующих предложениях подчеркните многокомпонентные словосочетания, со стоящие из цепочки существительных (то есть существительного как главного слова и определений к нему) и переведите их. Иногда в подобное словосочетание входят прилагательные, причастия и наречия. Model. During the risk assessment phase of design, you may find important supporters. стадия оценки риска
1) They are integral to the beginnings of your securely designed project. 2) Risk assessment is no less important in secure, well-designed soft ware or applications development projects. 3) They include things like your customer credit card information. 4) It will probably be more valuable than your vendor contact list. 5) Bruce Schneier calls it ‘attack tree analysis’. 6) Sometimes it is aided by organization-enhancing software. 7) You can trust them with the necessary access privileges before setting the software up on your network. 8) You must strongly consider petitioning your internal Information Technology department or Help Desk for permission. 9) Security assessment tools can be useful, but cannot be 100% effective.
Упражнение 4. Look through the Text and find equivalents to the following: Просматривая Текст, найдите эквиваленты следующих выражений: 1) первые шаги в ... 2) используйте преимущество такого факта, как 3) Для большей информации о ..., смотрите 4) Так как вы знаете ... 5) Пожалуйста, будьте очень внимательны при... 6) Очень легко перепутать ... с ...
Упражнение 5. Find in the Text sentences in Subjunctive Mood and translate them. Найдите в Тексте предложения в сослагательном наклонении и переведите их. (5)
Упражнение 6. Look through the Text and say what paragraphs contain sentences in Imperative Mood. Просмотрев Текст, скажите, какие параграфы содержат предложения в повелитель ном наклонении.
Упражнение 7. Translate the terms: Переведите слова-термины: Risk assessment; protected resources; customer database; disposition and handling of customer information; social and legal issues; security assessment; attack tree analyses; relative frequency; relative value; access privileges; to set up the software.
Упражнение 8. Underline all predicates in the sentence and mark the subject for every of it. Translate: Сначала подчеркните сказуемые, потом к каждому сказуемому найдите подлежащее, переведите. Проверьте по ключу. 1) Making risk assessment a priority will also help you to make sure your executive officers to be both informed about and integral to the beginnings of your securely designed project.________________________________ 2) This process helps to formalize what’s otherwise a significantly subjective process of analysis and assessment, and can help to prioritize your project’s security goals._______________________________________
Risk Assessment I. Risk assessment should be among the first steps in your design process, and will help you frame your further efforts to design a secure system. Making risk assessment a priority will also help you to make sure your executive officers to be both informed about and integral to the beginnings of your securely designed project. During the risk assessment phase of design, you may find important supporters and champions among the executive officers: you should actively recruit their participation if they're not already involved.
II. Business majors and MBAs already know about the managerial aspects of risk assessment. This methodology is heavily used in most business plans,4especially with respect to business planning. Risk assessment is no less important in secure, well-designed software or applications development projects. Take advantage of the fact that your managers and executives are probably already familiar with risk assessment methodology. Armed with a common language and methodology, you can inform your managers of the relative risks to which the application exposes you or your customers, and you can additionally leverage their involvement and buy-in. This will help you in the end: if there should ever be an attack on your application, you will already have a champion to go to bat for the integrity of your application and the care with which it was designed.
III. The basic steps of risk assessment are as follows : 1. Identify protected resources 2. Assign relative value 3. Identify possible attackers 4. Estimate relative frequency of each kind of attacker 5. Carry out attack tree analysis (Identify possible attack routes) 6. Protect all possible attack routes (Protect most likely attack routes)
IV. Protected resources include things like your customer database, customer credit card information, or personal information. If you thought about the policies regarding the privacy, disposition and handling of customer information and other social and legal issues you would understand that your risk assessment process depends a great deal on such things. Your executive managers must be involved in deciding these policies.
V. For each resource, assign it a relative value (i.e. your customer credit card database will probably be more valuable than your vendor contact list). Next, identify possible attackers. Frequent examples are the bored teenager, the disgruntled ex-employee, the corporate spy, or the government intelligence agent.
VI. Estimation of the skill, frequency and methods of the attacker all belong to a related process to risk assessment which Bruce Schneier calls 'attack tree analysis' . This process helps to formalize what's otherwise a significantly subjective process of analysis and assessment, and can help to prioritize your project's security goals. If you saw chapter 21 of Bruce Schneier's book: Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World you could know more about attack trees. (A highly-recommended resource on all aspects of digital security.)
VII. Once you knew what routes or attack you should be protecting (from your attack tree analysis), you would already organize information about the kind of security you need to implement in your design. You may also find that this information will be helpful in writing security and privacy policies to accompany your application design efforts.
VIII. Please be very careful when carrying out your own research about risk assessment. It is very easy to confuse this process with another process, usually called 'security assessment'. A risk assessment is a process that people undertake (sometimes aided by organization- enhancing software) to determine risks surrounding their specific efforts. On the other hand, there are many software tools available for security assessments that will analyze your network and servers for known vulnerabilities .
IX. Three tips for using these kinds of software tools: 1) if you research the producing company carefully you will be sure you can trust them with the necessary access privileges before setting the software up on your network, 2) test the tool in an isolated testing environment before applying it, and 3) strongly consider petitioning your internal Information Technology department or Help Desk for permission to run this kind of tool on your company's internal networks. Security assessment tools can be useful, but cannot be 100% effective, and though they may help you do risk assessment for extant problems with existing software, they will not be able to do the job for you in regard to designing and developing new software and applications.
Раздаточный материал к практическому занятию: "Текстовые редакторы"
Упражнение 1. He переводя текст упражнения, просмотрите его очень быстро и скажите, что это за текст (определение, передача фактов, полное объяснение с выводами и заключением и т. д.). Посчитайте вводные элементы и переведите: Without translating the text, look through it very briefly and say what it is (some definition, an explanation of some fact, a completed explanation with a conclusion and etc.) according to its structure. Count parenthesis and translate:
Stages in Programming There are five stages in programming. First, the computations to be performed must be clearly & precisely defined. Second, the actual coding is performed. Third, some procedure is used to get the code into the memory of the computer. Fourth, debugging the code, i.e. detecting and correcting any errors, takes place. Fifth, running the code on the computer and tabulating the results is performed. In fact, a single error in one instruction is known to invalidate the entire code. Hence, programming, when being performed, requires attention to details without losing sight of the overall plan. (i. e. — id est — то есть)
Упражнение 2. Организуйте предложения в правильном порядке, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые маркеры (вспомните, к каким группам относятся маркеры) и начало и конец каждого предложения. Поставьте номера.
Arrange the sentences in proper order paying attention to the underlined markers and the beginning and the end of each sentence (put the right numbers):
(_ ) Finally, as long as the automation is running, it's very rules of operation are susceptible to some change on the basis of the data which have passed through its receptors in the past, and this is not unlike -‘the process of learning.
( ) The organs in which impressions are received are the equivalents of the human and animal sense organs.
( ) In such a theory we deal with automata effectively coupled to the external world by a flow of impressions, of incoming messages.
(_ ) Moreover, the information received by the automation need not be used at once but may be delayed or stored so as to become available at some future time.
( ) Between the receptor or sense organ and the effector stands an intermediate set of elements whose function is to recombine the incoming impressions into such forms as to produce a desired type of response in the effectors.
Упражнение 3. Просмотрите заголовок и подзаголовки текста урока и выберите из них содержание, наиболее подходящее для этого текста-статьи. Look through the title and subtitles of the text and choose the contents of the article more suitable for it. Number 1 I. General remarks on display Editors II. Particular editors 1) E-editor 2) EMACS-editor III. Conclusion
Упражнение 4. Просмотрите содержание (план) Текста урока и сам Текст и ответьте на вопросы: Looking at the contents and the article answer the questions: What questions of the article are described in details? And what in short? What particular editor is described in much more details? Number 2 I. Display editors II. E-editor III. EMACS-editor
Упражнение 5. Теперь мы можем закончить написание «содержания» статьи по первому пункту. Вернитесь к упр. 12. Now we can continue writing the contents of the article in relation to the first point of it.