АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ОГЭ – 2020 Устная частьСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ОГЭ – 2020 Устная часть Задание 3 (создание связного монологического высказывания) 4-й пункт задания (43 Варианта с ОТВЕТАМИ) ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! 1. «Animals in unnatural habitats» What your attitude to animals in unnatural habitats is. 2. «Buying clothes» What your attitude to buying clothes is. 3. «Choosing a profession» What your parents’ attitude to your career choice is. 4. «Choosing a career» What your attitude towards choosing a career is. 5. «Computer Games» What your attitude to playing computer games is. 6. «Eco-tourism» What your attitude to eco-tourism is. 7. «Extreme activities» What your attitude to extreme sports is. 8. «Famous people» What your attitude to famous people is. 9. «Fast food» What your attitude to fast food is. 10. «Foreign languages» What your attitude towards foreign languages is. 11. «Free time» What your attitude towards spending free time is. 12. «Friendship» What your attitude to friendship is. 13. «Global problems» What your attitude to global problems is. 14. «Health» What your attitude to healthy lifestyle is. 15. «Holidays» каникулы What your attitude to ways of spending holidays is. 16. «Homework» What your attitude towards doing homework is. 17. «Household chores» What your attitude to household chores is. 18. «Internet» What your attitude towards the Internet is. 19. «Internet resources for learning languages» What your attitude to using Internet resources for learning languages is. 20. «Keep a healthy lifestyle» What your attitude to keeping a healthy lifestyle is. 21. «Learning foreign languages» What your attitude to learning foreign languages is. 22. «Livingin a city» What your attitude to living in a city is. 23. «Mass media» What your attitude to using the most common forms of media in a daily life is. 24. «Music» What your attitude to music is. 25. «Owning pets» What your attitude to owning pets is. 26. «Place where I live» What your attitude towards the place where I live is. 27. «Photography» What your attitude towards photography is. 28. «Public holidays in Russia» What your attitude towards public holidays in Russia is. 29. «Reading» What your attitude to reading is. 30. «Russian traditions» What your attitude to observing Russian traditions is. 31. «School life» What your attitude to school life is. 32. «Social life at school» What your attitude to social life at school is. 33. «Street markets» What your attitude towards street markets is. 34. «Taking pictures» What your attitude to taking pictures is. 35. «Technological progress» What your attitude to using electronic devices in a daily life is. 36. «Teenagers’ attitude to sport» What your attitude to sport is. 37. «Travelling» What your attitude to travelling is. 38. «Travelling abroad» What your attitude to travelling abroad is. 39. «TV» What your attitude towards watching TV is. 40. «Visiting museums» What your attitude to visiting museums is. 41. «Watching films» What your attitude to watching films is. 42. «Weather and seasons» What your attitude towards weather prediction of mass media is 43. «Wild animals» What your attitude to protecting wild animals is.