Find the skills suitable for the following jobs. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 4. Find the skills suitable for the following jobs.
5. IN EACH SEQUENCE CROSS OUT ONE MISMATCHING WORD/WORD COMBINATION (judging by sense). - business card, first impression, transport charge, business communication, the pledge of success; - social status, eye contact, gender, tolerance, cultural differences, stereotypes, controversial; - terms and conditions, business proposal, confusion, conversation, business negotiation, professional partnership, boarding pass, customer, data; - to check in, to check out, to disembark, to book a room, to pay the bill, to make a complaint/request, to order, to receive a call; - self-introduction, arrangement, to complete a degree, face-to-face meeting, body posture, self-presentation, professional image, to be on time, to state the purpose; - senior, year of studies, major, freshman, junior, sophomore; - master’s degree, system of higher education, bachelor’s degree, associate’s degree, offspring.