Remember the following words and expressions:
Упр. 1 Сопоставьте английское слово и его перевод.
Text: HIPPOCRATES-THE FATHER OF MEDICINE (460-377 В.С) Hippocrates was born in Greece. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then went to town where he practiced the art of medicine. We don't know much about the life of Hippocrates but we have his writings which are called Hippocratic Collection. The Collection consists of more than one hundred books. Some of Hippocratic thoughts are quite modern. The Collection begins with the famous Oath. Hippocrates was known as an excellent practitioner and a teacher of medicine. This great physician taught his pupils to examine patients very attentively and to give them quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. Hippocrates freed medicine from superstition. He hated the idea that a disease was the punishment of gods. Hippocrates paid much attention to diet, gymnastics, massage and sea bathing in treatment. Не knew how to use many drugs and was also a good surgeon. Hippocrates set fractures and even trephined the skull. Aristotle, the famous philosopher, called him “Hippocrates the Great”.
Упр.2 Дополните предложения.
Упр. 3 Образуйте словосочетания из следующих слов.
Упр. 4 Вставьте подходящее слово. a) According to Hippocrates, all people were divided into four types according to their constitution and behavior. If the body was dominated by the amount of blood, that person belonged to the __1__. The excess of yellow bile is a typical__2__, and mucus (слизь) for the__3__. A large concentration of black bile is a characteristic of the__4__. choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine b) In the essay __1__, Hippocrates was the father of a rational __2__and pointed to the need to feed the__3__, even feverish. Considering the diet, as an additional method in__4__, Hippocrates established (устанавливал) the diet in relation to __5__of disease – acute, chronic, surgical. Dietetics, sick, “Diet in acute diseases”, forms, treatment
c) Hippocrates is one of the __1__of the science of human diseases and their treatment. In his __2__“Sacred disease” (священная болезнь) – as the ancient Greeks called __3__, argued that all diseases are caused by __4__causes. treatise, epilepsy, natural, founders Упр. 5 Соедините предложения и переведите известные слова Гиппократа.
Упр. 6 Прочитайте и дополните Клятву Гиппократа HIPPOCRATIC OATH I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Health, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, 1________: I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and 2_________. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked; and similarly I will not give a woman 3__________. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts. In every house where I come I will enter only 4___________, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction. All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession, which ought not to be spread abroad, 5______________. If I keep this oath faithfully, 6__________; but if I swerve (отклонюсь) from it or violate (нарушу) it, may the reverse be my life. a) never do harm to anyone; b) a pessary to cause an abortion; c) for the good of my patients; d) to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement; e) I will keep secret and will never reveal; f) may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all humanity and in all times.