As for the second picture it showsa young man running in the field. It might be summer time because he is wearing a green t-shirt, black shorts and white sports shoes. Also, he is wearing a watch on his wrist for timing his heats. Though the sky is blue aAs for the second picture it showsa young man running in the field. It might be summer time because he is wearing a green t-shirt, black shorts and white sports shoes. Also, he is wearing a watch on his wrist for timing his heats. Though the sky is blue and the weather is warm and sunny you can see two mountain peaks covered with snow in the background of the picture. As I've already mentioned both pictures are connected with doing sports.You can't but agree with me that both — a girl and a young man look fit and healthy. Photo 2 Obviously, we can see certain (some) differences. The first picture shows a little girl whose hobby is playing tennis.On the contrary, the man in the second picture is a professional sportsman as he looks very sporty and strong. Besides, the first picture shows the girl who is playing tennisindoors while the young man is going in for sports in the open air.Moreover, table tennis is a team game and you need at least one more person to play it with. As to the track-and- field athletics, you can do it on your own. As for me, I'd prefer to take up to table tennis because I am fond of doing sports with my best friends or relatives. Secondly, this game develops quick thinking and reaction. Finally, you can do it outdoors as well as indoors and bad weather cannot spoil the pleasure. In conclusion, I would like to say that both pictures make me think that sport is a great way to spend your free time and, of course, it is useful for your health. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. / That's where I'd like to end. (заключительная фраза) Всего получилось 25 фраз. Необходимо строить свой ответ так, чтобы уложиться в отведенное для ответа время (2 мин). Рекомендованное количество фраз: 12 -15, но не менее. Помните, что вступительная и заключительная фразы оцениваются экспертами; их отсутствие негативно повлияет на вашу оценку.
Task 4 Variant 2 Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: · give a brief description of the photos (action, location) · say what the pictures have in common · say in what way the pictures are different · say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you'd prefer · explain why Ответ начните с вступительной фразы: I would like to point out right at the beginning that I will compare and contrast these pictures. I believe thatthe theme which relates these photos is a life style of the youth. picture 1
picture 2 Let me start with the first picture that shows a group of young people who are at work now. The man on the right and a young woman in a black suit are sitting around the table while the woman in a beautiful white suit is standing at the moment. Unfortunately, I can’t see the face of their boss who is giving them some instructions. They are listening to him very attentively. It looks as if they are ready to make some notes because you can see pads (notebooks) in front of them. As for the second picture I have the impression that the group of young people is enjoying their free time sitting on the grass. I can only guess that they might be co-students at the international language school because you can see them carrying their workbooks. They are probably having their break time now. As the weather is warm and sunny, they decided to spend it in the school yard. They all are smiling and look very happy so I think they did their test successfully. I should say thatthe only similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is that they depict young people who are practically of the same age. One of the main differences between pictures is that in the left picture you can see two men and two women (four people) working in the office, whereas in the right picture there are two girls and a boy who are having a restin the open air. The most obvious difference for me between these two pictures is people’s clothes. For example, people in the first picture are wearing suits according to the dress code of their firm, while people in the right picture arewearing casual clothes such as jeans, jumpers and trainers. As for me, I would rather go to a language school because my dream is to speak English fluently. Moreover, it would be interesting to make some new friends from abroad. To sum it up, I would like to say that to work or to study together with smart and intelligent people is always great pleasure. That’s where I’d like to end.(завершающая фраза)