The discipline: Environmental and economic foundations of nature ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 The discipline: Environmental and economic foundations of nature №1 1. The main goal of Concept of Transition of the RK to sustainable development 2. Environmental aspects of energy production in Kazakhstan 3. Name the main socio-economic indicators of sustainable development
№2 1. Economic problems of the water resources in Kazakhstan 2. Basic Principles of Environmental monitoring 3. Give SWOT analysis of land resources in certain region of Kazakhstan
№3 1 Types of natural resources 2. Name some data about the environmental problems in Kazakhstan 3. Give SWOT analysis of water resources in certain region of Kazakhstan
№4 1. Economic problems of land resources in Kazakhstan 2. Payment for the air pollution in Kazakhstan 3. Give SWOT analysis of socio-economic development in certain region of Kazakhstan
№5 1. Environmental Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. Water resources management in Kazakhstan 3. Describe main principles of environmental and economic assessment of the use of natural resources
№6 1. Environmental monitoring of natural resources in Kazakhstan 2. Environmental security when using subsoil in Kazakhstan 3. Give some examples of the implementation of the economic mechanism of nature: payment for using natural resources
№7 1. Current state of energy resources in Kazakhstan 2. Payment for water pollution in Kazakhstan. 3. Formulate and give examples of economical causes of environmental pollution
№8 1. Environmental factors of the economic development of the regions in Kazakhstan 2. Payment for the land pollution in Kazakhstan 3. Give examples of waste management in Kazakhstan
№9 1. Environmental factors of the economic development of the regions in Kazakhstan 2 Purpose and objectives of Kazakhstan’s legislation on subsoil and subsoil use 3. What are the main legislative acts that regulate the matter of biological diversity conservation in Kazakhstan?
№10 1. Principles of the legislation of Kazakhstan on subsoil and subsoil use 2. Sources of funding for environmental activities 3. Give analysis of a special protected territory that is completely removed from economical use in Kazakhstan №11 1. Give some information about the payment for subsoil resources using 2. Payment for the air pollution in Kazakhstan 3. Describe main principles of environmental and economic assessment of the use of natural resources №12 1. Environmental Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. Payment for the use of surface water resources in Kazakhstan 3. Give explanation to Global energy strategy
№13 1. The main goal of Concept of Transition of the RK to sustainable development 2. Payment for water pollution in Kazakhstan. 3. Give some examples of the implementation of the economic mechanism of nature: payment for using natural resources
№14 1. Economic problems of the land resources in Kazakhstan 2. Give explanation to environmental insurance and licensing, selling the rights to pollute 3. Give SWOT analysis of water resources in certain region of Kazakhstan
№15 1. Economic problems of the water resources in Kazakhstan 2. Environmental aspects of energy production in Kazakhstan 3. Give SWOT analysis of water resources in certain region of Kazakhstan
№16 1. The concept of natural resource assessment 2. Payment for the land pollution in Kazakhstan 3. Give SWOT analysis of socio-economic development in certain region of Kazakhstan
№17 1. Types of natural resources 2. Payment for the use of underground water resources in Kazakhstan 3. What are the main legislative acts that regulate the matter of biological diversity conservation in Kazakhstan?
№18 1. Sources of environmental (air) pollution in Kazakhstan 2. Give explanation to the basic administrative capacities of environmental management 3. Give SWOT analysis of water resources in certain region of Kazakhstan
№19 1. Basic economic factors of production placement 2. What is the primary body responsible for nature protection in Kazakhstan? 3. Give explanation to the main aims of the Program “Zhasyl damu” and Astana “Green Bridge” Initiative
№20 1. Environmental Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. Payment for the land pollution in Kazakhstan 3.Damage from water pollution: mechanisms of formation and its basic techniques calculation.
№21 1. Legislative provision of state environmental policy 2. Waste management in Kazakhstan 3. Formulate and give examples of economical causes of environmental pollution