I. Вставь пропущенные буквы:. k _ _ _ he_, g_ _ d_ _, b_ _ hr_o_, l_v_ _ g r_o_, m_mm_, br_ _he_, si_ _ _r, b_dr_ _m, d_ _ dy.. a zebra.. tomatoes .. flowers.. a puppet.. III. Ответь на вопросы. Вставь пропущенные слова.. in the kitchen.. in the garden.I. Вставь пропущенные буквы: k _ _ _ he_, g_ _ d_ _, b_ _ hr_o_, l_v_ _ g r_o_, m_mm_, br_ _he_, si_ _ _r, b_dr_ _m, d_ _ dy.
II. Заполни пропуски, закончи вопросы и ответы: 1. ____________ a duck? ___________________ ____________ a zebra. 2. ____________ oranges? ___________________ ____________ tomatoes . 3. ____________ six ? ___________________ ____________ seven. 4. ____________ a cap ? ___________________ ____________ a hat. 5. ____________ toys? ___________________ ____________ flowers. 6. ____________ ten? ___________________ ____________ five. 7. ____________ a teddy? ___________________ ____________ a puppet. III. Ответь на вопросы. Вставь пропущенные слова. 1. Where's Bob? ________________ in the kitchen. 2. Where are Mike and Sam? _________________________ in the garden. 3. Where's the puppy? ____________________ in the bedroom. 4. Where's Maria? ___________________ in the bathroom. IV. Прочитай текст, выбери правильный ответ и обведи его. 1. This is Peter and 1) he/his family. 2) They/Their in the living room. Sandra is 3)Peter's/Peter mum. 4)She/Her is a teacher. Look at Peter's dad. 5)He/His a teacher, too. This is Peter's sister Lily. 6)She/Her is five. Tom is 7)their/they're cat. 8)It/its is fat. 9)Their/They are a nice family.
2. This is Helen and 1)she/her family. 2)They/Their are in the garden. Kevin is 3)Helen's/Helen dad. 4)He/His is a doctor. Look at Helen's mum. 5)She/Her is a doctor, too. This is Helen's brother, Ryan. 6)He/His is six. Bob is 7)their/they're dog. 8)It/its is funny. 9)Their/They are a nice family. V. Вставь is, are, am. 1. Tony ________ in the kitchen. 2. The dog ___________ in the garden. 3. Mike and Barbara _________ in the living room. 4. I ____________ in the bathroom. 5. They ___________ in the bedroom. 6. We ____________ in the living room. 7. Jill and Bob __________ in the kitchen. 8. She __________ in the garden.