Составьте слова из букв. Магазин. Поставьте фразы в правильном порядке. Составьте подобный диалог изменяя существительное a dress , цвет и стоимость.. Winter clothes. Summer clothes1.Составьте слова из букв 1.Scarf-шарф 2.Blouse-блуза 3. trousers-брюки 4. coat-пальто 5.Shirt-рубашка 6.Dress-платье 7.Skirt-юбка 2.Магазин
1.jans - A 2.tie - F 3.sandals - I 4.jacket - E 5.dress - D 6.scarf - K 7. windbreaker - H 8.skirt - Q 9.hat - P 10.suit - G 11.shorts - O 12.T-shirt - B 13.glasses - C 14.pants - M 15.shirt - R 16.sneakers -N 17.blouse - J 18.shoulder-bag- L 3.Поставьте фразы в правильном порядке. Составьте подобный диалог изменяя существительное a dress , цвет и стоимость. - Can I help you? -I would like to try on a dress. -What colour? -Red, please. Does it suit me. -Here you are. - How much is it? - 15 pounds - It look good -Thank you. - Goodbye. ****
-Good afternoon. - How can I help you?-I need a men's shirt-what size?-size L-what color do you prefer?-white-Here you are. - How much is it? - 10 pounds -it fits me, thanks- Goodbye. 4.Выбирите правильный ответ1.I have got some biscuits.2.You haveۥt got any orange juice.3.Can I have any meat?4.Have you got any cheese?5.They have got some ice cream.6.Have children any popcorn?7.Can you pass me any salt?5.Вставьте вместо пропусков some/anyWe havenۥt got any milk.Bob likes some sugar in his tea.She has some money.Are there any pictures in his book?I cannot see any children in the yard.I need any carrots, onions and cabbage.There no some tea in my cup.He has some modern hats at home.
Winter clothes pullover pants a cap fur coat sweater mittens scarf boots socks jeans Spring and autumn clothes
cardigan coat shirt pullover a cap jeans skirt dress shoes Summer clothes jeans skirt dress shoes sundress, hat, sandals, t-shirt, shorts
Видео можно использовать со старшими дошкольниками, но как интерактивная игра, оно было бы для детей увлекательнее.