Questions to the Introduction part ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Questions to the Introduction part 1. What does phonetic system of English consist of? 2. What type of English pronunciation is the course based on? 3. Why may Phonetics be considered the grammar of pronunciation? 4. What is very important for a specialist in English to be able to do? 5. Which three things are necessary for a student to reproduce the natural flow of living speech? 6. Why is pronunciation important for both listening and speaking? 7. What is it necessary to have when working on pronunciation? 8. Why is it useful to know phonemic symbols? 9. What should you do when you are working with the recording? 10. What should you be aware of when you pronounce something? 11. Phonemes and allophones. 12. How many letters and speech sounds are there in English? Give the definition of vowels and consonants. 13. Why is it important to learn the phonemic alphabet? 14. The direction of the air stream released from the lungs. 15. The direction of the air stream on coming out of the larynx. 16. The position of the soft palate which influences the direction of the air stream. 17. The parts of the palate. 18. The parts of the tongue. The shape of the lips. 19. The active and passive organs of speech and their role in the sound formation. 20. What kind of sounds are consonants? 21. How do the consonants change in the degree of noise? 22. How do the consonants change in the manner of articulation? 23. How do the consonants change in the place of articulation? 24. How do the consonants change according to the position of the active organ of speech against the point of articulation? The consonants that are made by the lips. The glottal consonant. 25. What are lingual consonants classified into? 26. What kind of sounds are vowels? 27. How do the vowels change in the stability of articulation? 28. How do the vowels change in the tongue position? 29. How do the vowels change in the lip position? 30. What is vowel length?