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1.Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.


There (A)____ hundreds of castles in the British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but (B)____ are in very good condition. Some castles are homes for (C)____ people like the Queen of (D)____ ! Many of them are very, very old, and have got a (E)____ history. Castles are big, strong buildings. People built castles in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends.

1. buildings; 2. famous; 3. England; 4. fascinating; 5. are; 6. people; 7. others.

2. Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.

Writers have the reputation for being lonely. However, every now and then they forget about bonds of friendship with one another. Hemingway and Fitzgerald met in Paris in 1925. Fitzgerald had already published a few novels. Hemingway had not even published his first yet. Although despite the feeling of jealousy, the two became really close friends. Fitzgerald even helped edit "The Sun Also Rises". Fantasy giants Lewis and Tolkien first met at Oxford University, where both of them belonged to a group of writers known as The Inklings. They had a very intimate friendship, Tolkien even played a key role in converting Lewis to Christianity. That is not to say their friendship was perfect, however. They bickered over the quality of each other's work, and they finally drifted apart.

3.Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Shopping

2. Entertainment

3. Celebrities

4. Places to visit

5. Eating out

6. Accommodation

A. Los Angeles is the second largest city in the USA. It’s also home to film stars, sunny weather, tall buildings and heavy traffic. The hotels in LA are more expensive than those in many other American cities, but they are pretty clean and safe.

B. There are many interesting places that you can visit, like Venice Beach with its street performers or Universal Studios to see how they make films. Children can visit the Children’s Museum — ne of the most exciting museums in the world.

C. There are famous restaurants you can eat at, like the Buffalo Hub, a place packed with celebrities, or Musso and Frank’s, Hollywood’s oldest restaurant. For the most delicious Mexican dishes at the Border Grill.

D. You can buy cheap fashionable clothes on Melrose Avenue. Do you want designer clothes? Then go to the expensive shops on Rodeo Drive. A visit there is always unforgettable.

E. The nightlife is exciting on the Sunset Strip, an area in Hollywood with famous clubs. There you can enjoy rock’n’roll music. LA is a really modern city with something for everyone. It’s noisy and crowded, but it’s also fascinating.



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