VI. Переведите предложения.. TEST PAPER Сложные предложения Var II. I. Вставьте союз или союзное слово.. II. Вставьте THAT или WHAT.. III. Опустите, где это возможно, сVI. Переведите предложения. 1. Вопрос о том, куда переезжать, не обсуждался. (придаточное-подлежащее) 2. Мой брат не сказал, когда он придёт. 3. Всегда, когда бы я вам ни позвонил, отвечает ваша жена.
1. The trouble is that I have lost his address. 2. Whoever has done it is a genius. 3. Your support is what she needs most of all now.
TEST PAPER Сложные предложения Var II
I. Вставьте союз или союзное слово.
1. It smells ____ someone has been smoking here. (as though, while, because) 2. I watched her ____ she was opening the letter. (as soon as, as if, while) 3. That was the same room ____ we stayed for our honeymoon. (who, where, or) 4. ____ it was very cold, he went out without an overcoat. (which, although, as if) 5. ____ she’d finished her work, it was too late to go shopping. (by the time, as if, unless)
II. Вставьте THAT или WHAT.
1. I think _______ I cannot tell you ______ is printed in this newspaper. 2. She promised to the doctor ______ she will keep a diet. 3. Mary asked Peter ______ he wanted to have for dinner. 4. He could not explain _____ present he had prepared. 5. Nick found out _____ the competition would take place the next week.
III. Опустите, где это возможно, союз или союзное слово.
1. The books which students take from the library should be returned at the end of the term. 2. He is that very man who taught me music. 3. The box that I mailed to my sister was heavy. 4. The street where I live in is wide and clean. 5. Our partners from the UK informed us that they would arrive the next week.
IV. Соедините два предложения в одно.
1. You’ll meet Andrew. His brother is one of my closest friends. 2. I didn’t receive the letters. She sent me the letters. 3. I don’t understand people. They dislike animals 4. The children enjoyed the sandwiches. Mr Rice made sandwiches for children. 5. We met this woman yesterday. The woman lives next door.