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Of The Sea by DROPS Design. Men's knitted sweater with raglan and rib in DROPS Alaska, and scarf with English rib in DROPS Eskimo. Size: 12 years - XXL


Пуловер модели реглан сверху

Эта вещь вяжется по кругу, начиная сверху. Выполняется линия реглана, и после отдельно заканчиваются рукава и основная часть.

Мужской пуловер

Вязать этот свитер можно из любой пряжи метражом 140 метров в 100 граммах. Узор для вязки очень простой – чередование 6 лицевых и 6 изнаночных петель. Линия реглана вяжется из 6 лицевых петель, прибавления идут с каждой стороны от всех линий реглана.

Горловина обрабатывается после завершения работы резинкой 4 на 4 и прикитлевывается. Края свитера и рукавов можно обвязать крючком.

Особенность и главное преимущество этой модели – простота узора и отсутствие швов.

В других моделях, где требуется сшивать детали, важно красиво посадить рукав. Для этого можно использовать крючок и сшивать детали с изнанки полустолбиками.

Of The Sea by DROPS Design

Men's knitted sweater with raglan and rib in DROPS Alaska, and scarf with English rib in DROPS Eskimo. Size: 12 years - XXL

Sizes: 12/14 years - S/M - L - XL/XXL
Finished measurements:
Chest: 98-112-128-142 cm
Hem: 94-108-122-136 cm
The pullover will be smaller than shown on the diagram before blocking due to the rib pattern.
Materials: DROPS ALASKA from Garnstudio
650-800-950-1050 gr nr 04, grey
DROPS 5 mm circular and double-pointed needles, or size needed to obtain correct gauge.
Gauge: 17 sts x 22 rows in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm.
SCARF: Measurements: approx. 18 x 150 cm
Materials: Garnstudio ESKIMO 150 gr nr 14, charcoal grey
DROPS 12 mm needles, or size needed to obtain correct gauge.
Gauge: 7 sts in English rib = approx. 10 cm in width.

SWEATER Decreasing tips (for raglan): Dec as follows from right side:
Start 4 sts before the marker: K 2 tog, K 4 (the marker is in the center of these 4 sts), slip 1 as if to knit, K 1, psso.
Dec as follows from wrong side:
Start 4 sts before the marker: P 2 tog, twisting sts, P 4 (the marker is in the center of these 4 sts), P 2 tog. (If it is too difficult to twist the sts, sl them, return to left needle 1 by 1, twisting each, and then P 2 tog).
Cast on 160-184-208-232 sts on circular needles; join and place a marker at the join. Knit 2 rows stockinette st, then establish rib as follows: P 1, *K 6, P 6*, repeat from *-* over 72-84-96-108 sts, K 6, P 1, place a marker (= side), P 1, *K 6, P 6*, repeat from *-* over 72-84-96-108 sts, K 6, P 1. Continue the rib as established. When the piece measures 10-15-15-15 cm and 20-30-30-30 cm inc 1 st at each side of each marker – P the increased sts – = 168-192-216-240 sts. When the piece measures 32-40-41-42 cm bind off 12 sts at each side for armhole (= K 3, P 6, K 3) = 72-84-96-108 sts remain on Front and Back. Lay piece aside and knit the sleeves.
Sleeve: Cast on 48-48-60-60 sts on double-pointed needles; join and place a marker at the join. Knit 2 rows stockinette st, then knit rib (P 3, K 3) over all sts. When the piece measures 8-10-10-10 cm, change to * K 6, P 6 * rib as on Body – start at marker with P 3 so that the marker is centered in a P 6. When the piece measures 10-13-13-11 cm inc 1 st on both sides of the P 6 containing the marker every 3-3-3-3.5 cm a total of 12 times (knit the increased sts in the rib as you go along, i.e P first 6 inc sts, K next 6 sts) = 72-72-84-84 sts. When the piece measures 47-49-50-52 cm bind off 6 sts each side of marker = 60-60-72-72 sts remain. Lay piece aside and knit a second sleeve.
Yoke: Put the sleeves in on the same circular needles as Body where you bound off for armholes = 264-288-336-360 sts. Put a marker in each transition between front, back and sleeves = 4 markers. Knit 0-1-1-1 row before raglan shaping begins.
Raglan shaping: Dec 1 st at each side of all markers (= 8 decs) – see Decreasing tips above. Dec every other row 21-24-20-25 times and every row 3-0-10-5 times.
At the same time when the piece measures 49-59-61-64 cm put the 8-20-20-32 sts at center front on a st holder for the neck and knit back and forth. Bind off at each neck edge every other row: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 2 times.
After all raglan and neck shaping is complete 56-68-68-80 sts remain and the piece measures approx. 56-66-68-71 cm to shoulder.
Neckband: Pick up approx. 16 sts for smallest size, 28 to 40 sts for other sizes at front neck (incl. sts on st holder) = 72 sts for smallest size, 96 to 120 sts for other sizes; join and place a marker at the join. P 1 row, K 1 row and P 1 row, then K 1 row, decreasing evenly distributed to 72-84-90-96 sts. Then knit rib (K 3, P 3) until the collar measures 10-10-12-12 cm. Bind off in rib. Fold the rib in half to wrong side and stitch in place.
Assembly: Sew opening under the sleeve.
SCARF: English rib: Row 1 (wrong side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), *K 1, yo, sl 1 as if to purl*, repeat *-* to last 2 sts, K 2.
Row 2 (right side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), *yo, sl 1 as if to purl, K tog the next st and yo from previous row*, repeat *-* to last 2 sts, yo, sl 1 as if to purl, K 1 (edge st knit in garter st).
Row 3 (wrong side): K 1 (edge st), *K tog the next st and yo from previous row, yo, sl 1 as if to purl*, repeat *-* to last 2 sts + yo from previous row, K tog the next st and yo, K 1.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 over all sts.
Scarf: Loosely cast on 13 sts and knit English rib – see instructions above. Bind off when the piece measures approx 150 cm. https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=205&cid=19


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