ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА. Краткие теоретические сведения. УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ PRESENT PERFECTПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА Тема: Описание особенностей регистрации предприятий в России и Великобритании. Present Perfect. Цели и задачи: формировать коммуникативные компетенции обучающихся, активизировать лексику и расширить словарный запас обучающихся по теме по теме «Описание особенностей регистрации предприятий в России и Великобритании», употреблять Present Perfect в устной и письменной речи Приобретаемые умения и навыки: Краткие теоретические сведения Как образуется Present Perfect Утверждение.
УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ PRESENT PERFECT 1. Мы используем Present Perfect, когда хотим показать результат действия, которое уже совершилось. С помощью Present Perfect мы акцентируем внимание именно на результате и по нему видим, что действие уже выполнено. Гораздо легче понять, что значит результат, на примере глаголов «делать» и «сделать»: · Я сделал это – I have done it. (действие закончилось, значит, есть результат) К действию с результатом относится: · Действие с наречиями already (уже), just (только что), yet (уже, еще). Они указывают на то, что действие произошло недавно и в результате что-то изменилось. I know Jane. We have already met. – Я знаком с Джейн, мы уже встречались. (мы встречались в прошлом, поэтому, как результат, сейчас я ее знаю) · Действие, которое произошло в прошлом, неважно когда, но в настоящем виден результат. I have bought a new car. – Я купил новую машину. (я уже совершил покупку, мы не знаем, когда это произошло, но видим результат – новую машину) · Действие, которое произошло в незаконченный период времени. На незаконченный период нам указывают слова today (сегодня), this morning/week/month/year (этим утром / на этой неделе / в этом месяце / в этом году). У нашего действия уже есть результат, но сегодня, эта неделя / этот месяц / этот год еще не закончились, то есть мы успеем выполнить действие или повторить его еще раз за этот период. Today he has visited two galleries. – Сегодня он побывал в двух галереях. (сегодня еще не закончилось, и он может отправиться в третью галерею) 2. Present Perfect используется, когда мы говорим о нашем личном опыте. Эту функцию часто называют «жизненный опыт».
Содержание работы 1. Чтение и перевод текста регистрация предприятий России 2. Чтение и перевод текста регистрация предприятий Великобритании 3. Грамматические упражнения
How to Register a Limited Liability Company in Russia (LLC, OOO) A limited liability company (in Russian OOO) is a legal entity with its share capital divided into shares; participants do not, as a rule, bear personal responsibility for the company’s liabilities but take on the risk of possible loss up to the value of their equity shares. The minimum share capital is RUB 10,000. The share capital must be paid within 4 months of the company state registration. Payment for equity shares can be made in the form of money or property. A company can be set up by one or several participants. The maximum number of participants is 50. Although registration is not a lengthy process, there are certain issues to be settled for a successful result. We will discuss some of them here. Company name and legal address An LLC must have a full name in Russian, which starts with the words “Limited Liability Company” (in Russian Obshestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennost’yu). If needed, there can be a short name in Russian or English as well. For registration an LLC has to have an address where its CEO is located, own property or leased premises. Company charter and founding agreement The most important stage in establishing a legal entity is drawing up the only constitutive document, which is a Charter of the company. A competently drafted Charter allows the reduction of risks of arguments among the shareholders and provides protection of their rights. If several participants are establishing a company, they must conclude an agreement on its establishment in which they settle the administrative procedures of setting up the company, formation of the share capital and nominal value of each participant’s equity shares, and the way and terms of paying the equity shares. Decision about company foundation The next step in an LLC’s creation is making a decision about its establishment, which is issued as a Resolution of the sole founder or Protocol of the General Meeting of founders. The Resolution (Protocol) must contain the voting results and decisions which are made concerning the company’s establishment, approval of the Charter and of the management body (e.g., for General Director). A decision of a sole founder must also have information on share capital, and the ways and terms of its payment. Taxation Before applying for a registration, the possible taxing system should be considered. It is possible to apply for the Simplified System of taxation during 30 days after the primary registration. Registration process Russian legislation provides a close-ended list of documents which are needed for registration: · Application form (must be signed in the presence of a notary) · Resolution (Protocol) on establishment · Charter, 2 copies (applicant will receive back the original marked by tax authorities) · Receipt for the state fee of RUB 4,000 · Extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the country of origin of the founder is a foreign legal entity. New UK Company Registration Frequently Asked Questions Regarding a company's formations Why should one want to register a private company? You may want to form a private corporation for the new or existing activities. UK company formation will protect and limit your liability for the possible debts, damages and obligations of the commerce. What advantages offers a British company registration? The primary advantage of company registration is minimization of shareholder's personal liabilities for debts of the business. It also offers tax advantages, secures the name and adds credibility to your legal operations. Who can open a private company in UK? Anyone can open a firm. With some limitations, it is suitable for any field activity and any size of the organization: small private to vast multinationals; for-profit enterprises, as well as philanthropic and charitable ideas, self-employed and sole traders. On top of this page you may find incorporation offers for everyone! Is it possible to convert from a sole trader to a legal entity? Of course, yes! You can convert from a sole trader to a private legal entity. English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish corporations can be establish for a new activity or converted from your current self-employed nature of trades. You might as well be able to keep your present trading name, if it's not in use by another legal firm. When should I choose to open a company over a self-employment? Choosing to open an organization may offer tax benefits and as well will allow more efficiency to your affairs if it is making £25,000 and over per year. When you are forming an enterprise, you also have more credibility and are personally liable for the debts of your activity. Is the company creation required for a safeguarding of a name? If you do not want others to use the name of your organization, opening of a private firm is the best way to keep it protected. Registration of a trademark will add additional piece of mind. Depending on your activities, you can consider local or international trademark protection. Feel free to contact us for more details about new LLC setting-up in the UK, EU and USA or a trademark setup. How much does it cost to establish a corporate body online? We are charging £24.99 for starting a new company, and our charge includes the government legal fee. We are charging a bit different amount of money for other types of entity establishment. We charge £32.00 to form of an LLP and £39.49 to establish a non-profitable association, etc. Private company incorporation procedure Why to choose Coddan for a company formation in UK The process of a company creation is much faster and very straightforward if done with us. Our order form is easy to use, packages are tailored for different needs, and all provide complete set of legal documents; our support is here to assist and direct you throughout the whole procedure. We offer online company start-up, and our services are simple and truthful. We provide the registered office addresses in different locations, we supply the domiciled address and SAIL location for different types of legal enterprises in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and in Belfast.