Places. Family. Useful phrases ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Лексика к уроку 16 марта “Персональная информация”
to send/send/- irregular verb (send – sent – sent) to arrange for something to go from one place to another, especially by post or email (to send a letter, to send flowers) a mistake/mɪˈsteɪk/- something that you say or do that is wrong to spell/spel/– to say or write by letters How do you spell that? Her name's spelt S-I-A-N.
a movie/ˈmuː.vi/- a film
more/mɔː/– a larger or extra number or amount
better/ˈbet.ə/- comparative of GOOD adjective (good – better – the best) to share/ʃeə/- if you share something with another person, you both have it, use it or occupy it to share an apartment – to live together in apartment a roommate /ˈruːm.meɪt/- a person who you share a room, apartment or house with to move to/muːv/ - to change the place where you live hobby/ˈhɒb.i/ - an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working something else/ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/ /els/- something different, something more regular job/ˈreɡ.jə.lər//dʒɒb/– usual job, not very special job
Places New York Hollywood China
Jobs Actor Agent Doctor Teacher Doorman
Family Mother Father Brother Sister Grandmother
Useful phrases It’s good to see you! Nice to see you too! What do you mean? That’s great! That’s a start! I live by myself. I feel like I know you!