ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК. ПЛАН УЧЕБНОГО ЗАНЯТИЯ. PAUL MCCARTNEY-KNIGHT OF ROCK MUSIC In any country of the world, even people far from music have heard the name of Paul McCartney at least once in their lives and know him as one of the leaders of the legen
ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК ПЛАН УЧЕБНОГО ЗАНЯТИЯ Тема:«Культура и искусство Великобритании. Доклады по теме». Цель: Обучающая: способствовать развитию коммуникативных умений и навыков устной речи Литература: Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2014. Содержание занятия: 1. Записать в словарь новые лексические единицы с переводом 2. Прочитать текст 3. Письменно перевести (выделенные фрагменты) 4. Письменно ответьте на вопросы (на английском) 5. Написать эссе о Деятеле культуры Великобритании (интересные факты биографии и почему выбрали эту личность) Введение новых лексических единиц Vocabulary: Award – награда afraid of – бояться чего-либо permission – согласие introduction to –представить (кого-либо кому-либо) persuad – убеждать acquired - приобретенный charity – благотворительность a long way to success – долгая дорога к успеху In addition - В дополнение a symbolic fee – символическая плата
PAUL MCCARTNEY-KNIGHT OF ROCK MUSIC In any country of the world, even people far from music have heard the name of Paul McCartney at least once in their lives and know him as one of the leaders of the legendary band The Beatles. His work is marked by sixteen Grammy award statuettes, he became a knight of the order of the British Empire, repeatedly got into the Guinness Book of records, and he is also a talented producer, artist and active fighter for animal rights. That's how versatile and unique he is – sir Paul McCartney. The boy took his first musical steps in elementary school, where he first appeared on the stage with a musical composition. Then such a young musician was awarded a prize for the first performance. Paul was afraid of the audience, but the big stage was already beckoning to him, leaving a mark on the child's soul. To keep the child occupied, the father gave Paul аn old pipe for his birthday. With the permission of McCartney Sr., he exchanged it for the first acoustic guitar in his life, on which he rearranged the strings to suit his own style, because Paul is left – handed. He began to actively learn to play the instrument, copied the stars of that time and tried to play the hits of rock pioneers-little Richard and Elvis Presley. At this time, the young musician began to try to write his own melodies. And then there was his introduction to John Lennon. Soon Paul persuaded John to accept his friend George Harrison into the band, and then the Quarrymen acquired a new name – the Beatles. Climbing to the top of the Beatles ' musical Olympus was not so easy, young talents from the ensemble went a long way to success. Throughout the years of this truly unique band, Paul McCartney was a real creative lighter, he constantly composed new songs, did not let the band succumb to star disease, strongly urged his colleagues to give up idleness, tried to prevent stagnation and creative crisis, which often covers great musicians. Unfortunately, these efforts of Paul McCartney were not enough, and on new year's eve, 1971, the musician decided to officially terminate his partnership with the Beatles. Paul McCartney also became widely known as a proponent of vegetarianism and an active campaigner for animal rights. He claims that this position was influenced by the impression made by seeing the disney cartoon "Bambi"as a child. In addition, he participates in actions against the spread of genetically modified products, the use of anti-personnel mines, supports the idea of banning hunting and organizes many charity concerts. Another major fascination of the Floor was the painting. But the love for this art did not arise immediately. Like his friend John Lennon, McCartney used to think that only people who graduated from the Academy of arts could paint. The first exhibition of his work was held in 1999, among the paintings of the exhibition were portraits of Andy Warhol, John Lennon and David Bowie. Despite his advanced age, Paul McCartney's life is still full of life, he has not lost his creative energy, continues to create new songs, seeks new forms of expression, and never stops his social activities. In an interview, Paul McCartney said that as a child he was in love with the British Queen. He noted that Elizabeth II was a beauty with an attractive figure. At none of his meetings with the Queen did sir Paul take the opportunity to tell her about his childhood feelings, although he often mentions it in the press, hoping that she will read it. Paul McCartney performed at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics in 2012 and received a symbolic fee of 1 pound. In fact, Paul and other famous musicians agreed to play on a Grand show for free, but specify the fee in the contract demanded pedantic lawyers. That's how the stars got less than a twentieth of the cost of the cheapest ticket to the opening of the games.
1. Who's Paul McCartney? 2. Who gave him the first musical instrument? 3. What was the name of the band that John Lennon played in? 4. in what year did Paul leave the band 5. More famous than Paul McCartney?
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