Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray” The Chapter 11(Part I pp. 173-189 ) I. Render the situations in which the following words and expressions are used: to free oneself from smth.; to blend; decay; mode of life; unspotted; the sighs of sins; curiosity; reckless; to throw open; foppery; to decry; to surrender; profligacy. II. Answer the following questions: 1) Why could Dorian not free himself from influence of the book? 2) Did the contrast between the portrait and the reality give Dorian the sense of pleasure? Why? 3) In what way did Dorian’s dinners emphasize his perfectness and fascinate his followers? 4) What was the essence of Dorian’s philosophy? III. Translate the passage beginning with“The worship of the sense…” at p. 177 and ending with “…but a moment” at p.178. Find as many stylistic devices as you can. IV. Dorian’s exquisite devotions: 1) Roman Catholic Church (give Russian equivalents to the following words): Communion, priest, tabernacle, monstrance, Passion of Christ, chalice, censer, confessional. 2) Perfumes: heavily-scented oil; odorous gums; frankincense; ambergris; violet; musk; champak; spikenard; hovenia; aloe. 3) Music: zither; to pluck the strings; lute; copper drums; earthen jars; gourds. 4) Jewels: pearl; chrysoberyl; cymophane; peridot; topaz; carbuncle; spinel; amethyst; sunstone; moonstone; opal; emerald; turquoise; jasper; pebble. Choose the proper epithets to match these stones, e.g. a pearly white moonstone etc. V. Copy out the names of the jewels mentioned in the wonderful stories. Which of the stories impresses you most of all. VI. Give English equivalents to the following: Сапфиры и изумруды; сверкающий бриллиант; винно-желтый топаз; пурпурный рубин; бирюза и опал; агат и сердолик; карбункул и аметист.