Lesson№ 13 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
BUSINESS COURSE PART I CASE № 1 Live to Work or Work to Live? - Work – life balance - Job satisfaction - Personal story - Job expectations - Setting objectives CASE № 2 No Education No Future? - Education and training - Skills and qualifications - Systems of education around the world - Internship
CASE №3 Let´s get to work - Labor market - Jobs ranking - Employment/unemployment - Recruitment - Writing CV - Job Interview CASE№4 Do you work your fingers to the bone? - Ways of working - Pays and benefits - People and workplaces - The career ladder - Problems at work (security, bullying and harassment, discrimination) CASE № 5 Employee Or Employer? - Wage labor or to work for oneself - In-house staff or freelancers - Types of companies - Volunteering - Competition - To start up a new business, pros and cons
CASE №6 No money No Honey? - The power of money - Investment - Currencies - Banking
CASE №7 Products Vs Services - Products - Services - Customer´s expectations - Breakdown and success - Logistics
CASE №8 Do Brands Matter? - Brand awareness - Luxury business - Speak about famous brands - Businesspeople and business leaders - Branding CASE № 9 Make the Customer the Hero of Your Story - Marketing - The 4 Ps - Pricing - Distribution (wholesalers, retailers) - Promotion - Advertisement CASE №10 Survival Has Its Own Etiquette - Business across cultures/ cultural awareness - Small talk - Negotiations (furthering, difficulties, reaching agreement) - Negotiating styles CASE №11 Is the Foreign Grass really greener? - Moving Abroad to Work - To settle in (to buy/rent property) - Citizenship - Tax requirements - Medical insurance and healthcare CASE № 12 In The Name Of The Law - Legal professions - Company liability - Lawsuits/ Litigations - Wrongdoing and corruption (bribery, fraud, embezzlement)
Lesson№ 13 Presentation EXAM