Text 7. Process of Audit (Процесс аудита)Text 7. Process of Audit (Процесс аудита) VOCABULARY FOR TEXT 7 | ||
interim['IntqrIm] | промежуточный, предварительный (сделанный до принятия окончательного решения, полной выплаты, учета всех данных и т. п.) | |
review[rI'vjH] | обзор, проверка, ревизия (бухгалтерская услуга, предоставляющая совету директоров или заинтересованным сторонам гарантию надежности финансовой информации без проведения дипломированным общественным бухгалтером аудиторской проверки в соответствии с общепринятыми правилами аудита) | |
sales representative [seIlz "reprI'zentqtIv] | 1) торговый представитель; 2) агент по продаже товаров; 3) комиссионер | |
to overstate [tu 'Ouvq'steIt] | 1) завышать (цены); 2) преувеличивать | |
to assess[tu q'ses] | 1) определять; оценивать; 2) облагать (налогом) | |
inventory['InvqntrI] | опись, список, реестр (список всех активов с указанием стоимости каждого (напр. список всех активов физического лица, предъявляемый при подаче заявления на получение кредита; список всех предметов, находящихся в здании, и т. п.)) | |
hard[hRd] | 1) твердый, крепкий; 2) тяжелый, трудный; 3) настойчивый, упорный | |
close[klOus] | 1) близкий (о времени и месте); 2) закрытие бухгалтерских книг (в конце учетного периода) | |
rationale["rxSq'nRl] | обоснование | |
revenue['revInjH] | доход (по основной [обычной] деятельности), выручка (любые поступления от продаж или из других источников) |
Text 7. Process of Audit (Процесс аудита)
A financial audit is usually done annually through 3 main steps.
1. Interim review.
This is the first approach to the company. It usually covers the first half of the financial year. For instance, if a company closes its accounts yearly on December 31, the interim review will cover January to June.
The purpose is
§ to understand the business of the company, the environment in which it operates (this includes aspects such as competition, legal requirements, economy, etc), what its main issues are to figure out what audit risks are from an audit point of view. This means, auditors will have
§ to find what kind of mistake (on purpose or not) could be done in this company. For instance, if the income of sales representatives is directly linked to the sales they generate (it's of course never the case), they could try to overstate their figures, leading to an abnormally high income.
§ to assess the internal control procedures (checks on the firms internal processes, such as inventory) actually in place. This is an important step as it will allow later to determine if one should carry out basic or advanced investigations. Indeed, if the internal control procedures seem to be reliable, this means there is no need to check accounts further.
2. Hard close.
This audit precedes the closing date. For a company closing on December 31, the Hard Close would typically occur using numbers as of November 30. Note: some hard closes are performed using the numbers as of the preceding quarter end (i.e. in the above example as of September 30). The purpose is to audit all movements year to date. This audit step is not on the audit during Final.
3. Final.
This is the latest step of the audit, usually some weeks after the closing. Thanks to the work already done during the Hard Close, only the remaining range between the date of the Hard Close and the closing has to be audited.
Audit has some specific features throughout the world but has some main components. One of the main problems in audit is the conflict between the need to control a company and the business relationship. On the one hand, the audit company has to thoroughly check the books, but on the other hand, it has to keep its customer that is its source of revenue. In practical terms, this means that the audit company will try to protect itself by carrying out the minimum checks, but if it has a slight doubt, it won't go further if the client is a bit reluctant to give out information.
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