Seminar IV. Parts of Speech. LEVEL I. LEVEL II. Characterize each notional part of speech according to 5 criteria. What is the meaning of each functional part of speech?. LEVEL III. LEVEL IV. Theoretical QuestionsСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Seminar IV Parts of Speech LEVEL I 1. Comment on the following terms:
· Classifying words into parts of speech we state their lexico-grammatical meaning, which is not the individual meaning of a separate … but the meaning uniting all words of the given … . · Classifying words into parts of speech we state their …, by which we mean morphological characteristics of a certain class of words. · Parts of speech are divided into two categories on the following principle: notional words denote things, actions and other extralinguistic phenomena, whereas … words denote relations between notional words. · Parts of speech are … . LEVEL II 3. Characterize each notional part of speech according to 5 criteria. What is the meaning of each functional part of speech? 4. Define the part of speech of the following words (word combinations) and explain theoretically: play, clever, poor, fast, speech practice, dance, beauty
LEVEL IV Work in groups. Situation: Write a fairy-tale about parts of speech based on the problems in their system. Begin like this: “Once upon a time…”. Act it out. Theoretical Questions 1) The principles of discrimination of parts of speech. Five basic criteria. 2) Notional classes of words. 3) Formal classes of words. 4) Various classifications of parts of speech: a) Morphological classification by H.Sweet, O. Jespersen b) positional classification by Ch. Frees