Matali Crasset “Concentré de Vie” Modular Sofa for Campeggi ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
FOR Matali Crasset “Concentré de Vie” Modular Sofa for Campeggi The ground-level sofa consists of a hard prismatic frame filled with two L-shaped cushions, two square pillows, and a soft pad underneath them all.
The seating object is composed of a box component and five soft elements: two square cushions, two L-shaped cushions and a rectangular pad; All of which can be arranged in a number of configurations to function as an armrest, footstool or pouf, the main structural frame acting as: · a binding agent that can be used as a single bed, · the soft elements can be used independently from the main box frame · the two square and L-shaped pillows can be arranged to act as either an armrest, footstool or pouf · all of the soft elements contained within the box frame form a sofa The sofa will make its debut at the 2013 Salone del Mobile on April 9-14 in Milan Sourse: http://www.matalicrasset.com/ -END-