A general idea of land ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 A general idea of land Land is the ultimate resource. People can’t sustain life on earth without land . Good land use management is essential for present and future generations. Objects like motor cars, animals and human beings are not part of the land, but they are subject to the rights that control the use of the space that they occupy. Individuals or communities have a right of ownership over a piece of land. A piece of land can be bought and sold. It can be subject to tax, and that is the basis of economic production. In many countries the term “real estate” is used to describe land. The role of land in the economy of each nation is not always obvious, but is of great significance. Sustainable development is impossible without secure land rights. Private traders don’t want to make long-term investments if they don’t have secure land rights. On the whole, people can’t live on earth if they don’t have land. They should purchase a piece of land, if they want to do business. The right of ownership over land is also essential because without it you can’t buy or sell land.