Занятие 17. Тема: My Daily Programme. Задание 1. Переведите письменно текст. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Занятие 17 Тема: My Daily Programme Задание 1. Переведите письменно текст. 1). My every day activities are quite routine. 2). On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up and my working day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o'clock. 4). If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. 5). I do my physical jerks, wash, clean my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually have toasted bread, bacon and eggs, tea or coffee and some jam. 8). While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the news. 9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. 10). School starts at 8 sharp and I have lessons till half past 12. 11). I usually have six or seven lessons a day. 12). I return home at 2 o'clock and take a short rest and I have lunch at 3. 13). After doing my homework I go for a walk with my friends. 14). I often play chess with them. 15). I am a member of a chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the pictures or the theatre but not very often. 17). In summer I like to get out more, so in the evenings I go to the tennis court for a few sets of tennis, or take out my bike for a run in the country. 18). My parents usually return home at 19 o'clock. 19). We have dinner at 19.30. 20). As usual dinner consists of soup, fish or roast chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. 21). After dinner we go to the sitting room. 22). There we read books, newspapers and magazines, watch TV, chat with the friends on the phone. 23). On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I attend preparatory courses at the University. 24). I leave home at 4.30 afternoon and come back at 8.30. 25). At 10 o'clock I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep fast and have no dreams.
Задание 2. Cоставьте рассказ о своем рабочем дне, ответив на вопросы 3. What do you prefer for breakfast? 7. Where do you usually have lunch? 9. Do you have a lot of free time? 10. When do you usually go to bed?
Выполненные задания №1-2 отправьте для проверки на электронную почту smyshlyaeva-sv77@yandex.ru или сообщением в Vk. https://vk.com/smyshlyaeva_sv