It is believed that it started in the Roman Empire around 270AD under the ruling of Claudius II. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3. It is believed that it started in the Roman Empire around 270AD under the ruling of Claudius II. 4. During time of war Claudius did not want men to get married because he believed it made them weak. 5. Bishop Valentine would perform secret wedding ceremonies so men could marry their sweethearts. 6. Bishop Valentine got in big trouble for performing marriage ceremonies and was sent to jail 7. While in jail Bishop Valentine wrote a love letter to the jailer’s daughter and signed from your Valentine. 8. Bishop Valentine was put to death for his crime on February 14th. 9. King Henry VII of England declared St. Valentine’s Day a holiday in 1537. 10. The oldest known Valentine’s Day card is on display at the British Museum in London. It dates back to the 1400’s. 11. Chocolate is the most popular gift for Valentine’s Day. It is estimated that over 1 billion dollars is spent on chocolates and candies for Valentine’s Day. 12. Groundhog’s Day was originally held on February 14th. 13. This day became popular in Russia from 90 years. 14. Many couples want to get married on the 14th of February and working day of some registry offices is prolonged.