THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN SPACE: BARRIERS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR REGIONAL POLICYTHE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN SPACE: BARRIERS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR REGIONAL POLICY Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, student, Faculty of state administration and financial control Financial University, Moscow, Russia pochta@mail.ru Abstract. The article deals with the basic concepts of spatial development. It, in principle, can not be uniform, as evidenced by the center-peripheral theory and research processes of spatial concentration of the economy, including, in the framework of the" new economic geography " mid-and late twentieth century. In conditions of super-centralized management system and huge inertia of the Russian space, institutions (political, financial and others) play a special role, which allow to reduce objective barriers to the development of regions and cities, to maximize their competitive advantages. The author analyzes in detail the barriers of Russia's spatial development, as well as the experience of stimulating and equalizing regional policy. In the overall assessment of the problem of regional inequality, the most important aspects necessary for understanding the "corridor of opportunities" of modernization and development of Russia are identified. In conclusion, six main vectors of spatial strategy, based on the assessment of development trends not only in the crisis, but also in a longer retrospective, are briefly formulated. Keywords: spatial development, central-peripheral theory, "new economic geography", effective institutions, stimulating and aligning regional policy, geopolitical priorities, "Strategy 2020» Коррупция представляет собой сложное социальное, политическое и экономическое явление[1], которое нарушает устои демократических институтов, замедляет экономическое развитие и способствует нестабильности внутри правительства и общества в целом. [1, с. 295] Анализ прогноза демографической нагрузки России за период 2018-2035 гг. (рис. 1) позволяет сделать несколько ключевых выводов.
Рис. 1. Прогнозы демографической нагрузки в РФ в 2018-2035 гг. Источник: составлено автором по данным Росстата. Наибольший рост объема среднегодовых операций валютных свопов за 1995-2016 гг. наблюдался в Великобритании (табл. 1). Таблица 1 Среднегодовые операции валютных свопов, млрд долл.
Источник: Foreign Exchange Market Turnover 2016. Bank for International Settlements