Part 6. Academic freedomPart 6. Academic freedom Vocabulary: academic freedom - свобода учебного процесса to pursue – искать unreasonable interference - необоснованное вмешательство restriction – ограничение to inquire into –исследовать to evoke – вызывать intellectual concern - интеллектуальный интерес findings - выводы; полученные данные, добытые сведения data - сведения; факты control– контроль censorship - цензура appropriate - подходящий to concern – касаться unlimited –безграничный obscenity - непристойность (sexually offensive language or behaviour, especially in a book, play, film etc) obscenities - непристойная брань (a sexually offensive word or action) pornography - порнография (the treatment of sexual acts in magazines, pictures, film or writing in a way that is intended to make people feel sexually excited) libel - клевета (в печати); диффамация (an act of writing or printing untrue statements about someone so that other people are likely to have a bad opinion of them) discourse - лекция, доклад, речь discipline - дисциплина (отрасль знания) likely -вероятный; вероятно to afford - позволить себе to tend - иметь тенденцию к restricted – ограниченный similarly - так же liable - обязанный (to с inf.); ответственный (for - за) to contract – сокращаться
Academic freedom is the freedom of teachers and students to teach, study, and pursue knowledge and research without unreasonable interference or restriction from law, institutional regulations, or public pressure. Its basic elements include the freedom of teachers to inquire into any subject that evokes their intellectual concern; to present their findings to their students, colleagues, and others; to, publish their data and conclusions without control or censorship; and to teach in the manner they consider professionally appropriate. For students, the basic elements include the freedom to study subjects that concern them and to form conclusions for themselves and express their opinions. Academic freedom is never unlimited. The general laws of society, including those concerning obscenity, pornography, and libel, apply also to academic discourse and publication. Teachers are freer within than outside their disciplines. The more highly trained teachers are, the more freedom they are likely afforded: university professors tend to be less restricted than elementary-school teachers. Similarly, students usually gain freedom as they move through the academic system. Teachers in small towns can usually expect more interference in their teaching than teachers in large cities. Academic freedom is liable to contract in times of war, economic depression, or political instability.