SELF – GUIDED WORK.. SUMMARY TEST.. Choose the best word to fit the gap.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
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«____»_________________ 20__г.
УФА-2019 Part 2.1. SELF – GUIDED WORK. Part 2.1.1. SUMMARY TEST. 1). Choose the best word to fit the gap. 1) Having good manners may help you to make deals more easily. a) entertaining; b) manners; c) demonstrations; d)handshaking.
2) Ian has to be very organized as his work involves meeting tight responsibilities. a) problems; b) responsibilities; c) challenges; d) deadlines.
3) Paul enjoys working at Small World because he finds the environment stimulating. a) installation; b) environment; c) application; d)opportunity.
4) Your body appearance usually dives other people information about how you really feel. a) appearance; b) impression; c) language; d) relationship.
5) Managers should suggest staff to maintain the no-smoking policy throughout the building. a) suggest; b)encourage; c) support; d) co-operate.
6) If the workplace is a happy place, then staff turnover is usually low. a) structure; b) turnover; c) changes; d) takeover.
7) For many people job satisfaction is more important than a high salary. a) satisfaction; b) expectation; c)achievement; d) acceptance.
8) Employees are allowed up to three weeks unpaid leave a year. a) absence; b)vacation c) time; d) leave.
9) Carol’s reliability and confidence make her an ideal employee. a) idealized; b) ideal c)idyllic; d) idealistic.
10) Although I am a vey junior member of staff, my long- term prospects are good. a) long- lived; b)long- standing; c) long- winded; d) long- term.