Key words from the unit. READING AND VOCABULARYKey words from the unit 1.Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
1 Antibiotics kill______________ . 2 The doctor made a ______________on the patient. 3 The doctor_________________the wrong medication. 4 Take a laxative for___________________ . 5 A___________________ will increase body activity. 6 This is the correct __________________ for the medication. 7 Flu can ______________very quickly. 8 A virus can_________________ and change. 9 You give___________________ medicine to fight a virus. 10 Use an_____________________ to treat a bacterial infection. 11 She has bipolar disorder and is on a powerful ___________________ . 12 This _____________________will make you immune. 13 Your diet is deficient in essential vitamins - you need to take a _______________________ . 14 This is a powerful __________________ - it should block the pain immediately. 15 ____________________ drugs are for allergies.
2. Make up your own examples using these words.
3. Choose the response that answers the question.
1 What does a stimulant do?
A _ It reduces swelling. B _ It makes a person alert.
2 Are you familiar with antihistamines?
A _ Yes, they combat allergy symptoms. B _ Yes, they help ease bowel movements.
3 What is a suppository?
A _ It puts a person to sleep or calms the person. B _ Medication that is administered through the rectum.
4 Can you tell me about antibiotics?
A _ They lift up a person's mood. B _ They destroy harmful bacteria.
5 When should I administer painkillers?
A _ When you are trying to reduce physical pain. B _ When you are trying to make a person alert.
READING AND VOCABULARY There are some plants that can ease pain and cure illness. For thousands of years, they have been the basis of medical treatment. In the 19th century scientific discoveries improved our understanding of the natural world, including our knowledge of medicine. Important discoveries in chemistry meant that scientists could produce synthetic medicines in laboratories. Most synthetic drugs are very similar to the medicinal parts of plants. One example is the opioid group. To make opioids like morphine and codeine, scientists use part of real opium poppies. Other opioids, like methadone, are synthetic - they are man-made copies of the natural drug. Synthetic medicines have been very successful, although they can have bad side effects, and sometimes cause patient dependence. Anaesthetics, vaccines, antibiotics and contraceptives have had a huge effect on our lives. At the same time, they have made a lot of money for drug companies. Drugs normally have two names, a general name and a brand name. For example, the drug with the general name Paracetemol is sold under the brand names Panadol, Calpol and Anadin. Some drugs are available to buy over the counter (in a shop or pharmacy). Other, usually more powerful drugs, are only available with prescription from a doctor. Drug companies are always working to develop new drugs, but also on new ways to administer them. One of the most recent ways to deliver a drug is the transdermal patch, which releases minute quantities of the drug through the skin of the patient.
4. Decide whether sentences 1-6 are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.
1 The natural world changed in the 19th century. 2 Medicines became scientific in the 19th century. 3 Medicinal plants are completely different from synthetic drugs. 4 Methadone is taken from opium poppies. 5 Panadol, Calpol and Anadin are the same thing. 6 The transdermal patch is a new way to deliver drugs.
5. Read a conversation between a nurse and Doris, a patient, and complete 1-6 in Doris' medication record.
NURSE: Right, Dorls, let's have a look at your medication record together, shall we? Can you show me all your medication first? Doris: Here you are - here's the drops for my eyes, my insulin and the Metamucil. NURSE: OK, now write down the name of each medication in the chart. Doris: OK.First for my eyes - Azopt. That's A-Z-O-P-T..Then my insulin for my diabetes ... then Metamucil. Let's see how you spell that ... M-E-T-A-M-U-C-I-L. NURSE: What about over-the-counter medication? Doris: I'm taking Tamiflu at the moment. I have a bad cold. NURSE: Yes, I can tell. Do you take any vitamins? Doris: Just multivitamins. Shall I write these down, too? NURSE: Yes, write down everything. You're suffering from constipation at the moment, Doris? Doris: Yes, I think it's a side effect of the insulin. My GP prescribed me Metamucil. NURSE: That's good, but I don't think constipation is a side effect of insulin. Doris: Oh. NURSE: Well, I think that's everything.