The Princess and the Four GiftsThe Princess and the Four Gifts Characters: Story-teller Princess Her Cousin King Herald Prince of Spades Prince of Clubs Prince of Hearts Prince of Diamonds Prologue Story-teller: Once upon a time, in a far country, there lived a king whose daughter was the prettiest princess in the world. Her eyes were like water in a deep lake, her hair was softer then silk, and her skin was whiter then snow. Since childhood the princess had been surrounded only by the things of beauty. One day the king decided to give his daughter’s hand in marriage to one of the princes of the four neighboring kingdoms. He sent a message there. The message said: “My daughter will marry the prince who brings the gift she likes the most.” (A room in the King’s palace. King, Princess and Cousin are sitting at one end of a long table.) Scene 1 Princess: What do you think of it, dear? Cousin: If you ask me, I think that a gift is not everything. If you really want to choose a good man, Watch his manners and how he expresses his feelings. Princess: Oh, you’re wise. (Enter Herald) Herald: The Prince of spades. (Enter the Prince of spades with a sword and a massive alarm clock under his arm. He bows, comes up to the table and stands in attention.) Prince of Spades: Oh, most beautiful princess! I’ve won many battles and I’ve come here to fight for you. Let me offer you my heart and sword and also this alarm clock as gift of my love. Whenever you’re in danger, only press this button here, and my soldiers will come to help you. (He clicks his heels, salutes and leaves) Princess: Oh, father, I’m afraid of this man. He spoke of battles and dangers and fighting! King: Come, child, there is no danger. The prince is a brave man, the commander of a big army. You’ll be very safe with him. Cousin :( with a shrug) It’s funny but you won’t use it, I’m afraid, because it is made of plastic and metal. Princess: I see, I see. Herald: The Prince of clubs. (Enter the Prince of Clubs, an absent-minded looking man wearing spectacles, dressed a bit out of date, with a thick old book. He bows clumsily, puts the book on the table, fumbles in his pockets, produces a scroll of paper and begins to read.) Prince of clubs: My dearest and beloved lady! I can address you only in verse! My love is strengthened though more weak in seeming And here is the ancient Book of Wisdom, my humble present.( Bows low and leaves) Princess: What a strange man! But he is so polite, and I like his poem. He must be a great poet. Cousin: Not he! Shakespeare is! Princess: Oh! King: Yes, the prince is a very learned man. With him you’ll know everything. Princess: Do you think, father, that to know everything is necessary for wives? Herald: The Prince of diamonds. (Enter the Prince of diamonds, an elegant man, exquisitely dressed, very businesslike and self-assured, with a huge golden box in his hands. He comes straight to the far end of the table and nods slightly.) Prince of Diamonds: How do you do ladies and gentlemen. I’ve come here to tell you, Sire(to King), that I agree to marry that charming daughter of yours.(To Princess) Here is the gift you asked for.(Puts the box in front of her) It’s for keeping things in. Very useful. Pure gold. Made in my kingdom. High quality. No doubt, you’ll like it. As for the details, we’ll discuss financial questions with your father. See you soon. (Bows to King, blows a kiss to Princess and leaves). Cousin: That’s fantastic! Princess: Yes, it’s a wonderful box! Cousin: No, I mean his manners. Of course, you cannot expect much here. He is too rich. King: Right. The richest in the world. With him you’ll have anything you like. Princess: Do you really think so, father? King: Yes, my dear. Herald: The Prince of hearts. (Enter the Prince of Hearts, a man poorly dressed, a guitar on his back and a bunch of field flowers in his hand. He puts the flowers on the table, bows low and falls on one knee). Prince of Hearts: Oh, heavenly lady, the princess of my dreams! The skies so blue may soon turn grey, Princess: What lovely flowers? I’ve never seen anything like them here in the palace. King: Of course not, because they grow only in the fields. Poor boy! Once his father was rich and there were gold mines in his lands. Now there is nothing left there except flowers. Such a pity. No more precious stones, no gold. Cousin: But he’s got a heart of gold! Princess (pensively): And what shall I do with this gift? Gold lasts forever. Cousin: His love does. And his gift shows the depth of his feelings. Just take it as a sign of his love. Princess: do you think it’s enough? King (getting to his feet to Herald): Herald, tell the princes to wait for my daughter’s decision. (Herald leaves). Princess(to her cousin): First, I’d like to here what you think. Cousin: I think the Prince of hearts is the best choice. He is so gentle and handsome and his manners are noble. Life in his beautiful kingdom could be very romantic. If I were you… Princess (interrupting her): Fortunately, you are not. If you want always to diet, I’ll try to persuade the Prince of Hearts to marry you. King: Oh, dear… Princess: As for me, I’m not so silly to live in poverty, without all the beautiful things I am used to. I’ve chosen this. (She stands up and takes the golden box from the table.) It is a very large and expensive box, and when I’m married, I’ll get many gifts-rings, bracelets, precious stones-to fill it to the top. So it is the most useful present and I like it the best.