WORD LIST (UNIT 5) Form 11Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ WORD LIST (UNIT 5) Form 11 I abstract (adj) acclaimed accompanied appeal (v, n) applaud (v) arty type associate (v) attracted to audition backstage balletomane ballroom dancer bear in mind benefit blow sb away box office capoeira II cast choreographer / choreography circulation clumsy comic committed composer concert conductor confession: make a confession congratulate courteous craze culture vulture delight in (v) depressing disturbing drag (v) drama dramatic drawing dress rehearsal dressing room definitive duet embarrassment III energetic engaging eternal exhilarating far-fetched fiery flamenco flop (n) force (n) formality fusion glorious graceful gypsy haiku hypnotic inhibition insist on instinct intoxicating intriguing Irish jig journal landscape leading role let yourself go mambo monotonous novel novelist object to IV opera buff originate parental guidance passion peaceful percussion performance philistine philosophy playwright portrait preview pride primal production rating: film ratings rave about relaxing remind retain rhythm rhythmic ritual (n, adj) rumba ruthless salsa scary score: film score sculpture selection sensual set (theatre) V shyness smash hit soloist sonata soporific spice stage stalls: the stalls stamp out still life stressed out string quartet stunt supporting role take (n): sb’s take on sth tango theatre-goer ultimate (n): the ultimate in understudy universal uplifting upsetting uptight vitality walk of life waltz watercolour