The Civil Defence AcademyThe Civil Defence Academy
The Civil Defence Academy is the youngest academy in our country. It is situated in Donetsk. The date of its foundation is April 4, 2017. The main mission of the Civil Defence Academy is to train specialists for the Emergency Situations Ministry. The Academy commandant is a colonel. He controls the activity of the Civil Defence Academy. Besides, he is responsible for international cooperation of the Academy with the civil defenсe organizations of the other countries. The Civil Defence Academy is a unique one. It trains both officers and cadets as well as civilian students and international students. One can enter the Academy by entrance examinations. The students of the Academy study eleven months a year and have a month’s leave. In addition, the students spend much time on their self-study without assistance. Their duty is to do all their best to graduate from the Academy successfully and get a higher vocational education. The Academy has about twenty chairs where competitive specialists work as professors and instructors. Most of them have over twenty-five year’s experience in teaching. They deliver lectures on different sciences and conduct practice classes. Every chair teaches its own subjects. An Academy’s educational base consists of several buildings with lecture halls, specialized studies, and computerized laboratories. The officers, cadets, and students have their classes, lectures and self-preparation work there. It is going to be a specialized foreign language laboratory where students improve their language skills and habits. There is also a sports complex where officers, cadets, and students do their sports. The Civil Defence Academy is young but its perspectives are great. The Academy faces its future with confidence and hope for the best.