Test. Health.. Task III. Fill in the missing wordsTest. Health.
Task I. Word-building. Provide nouns for the following verbs, adding suffixes or zero suffixes: 1)examine, 2)ill, 3)injure, 4)prescribe, 5)weigh, 6)treat, 7)die, 8)recover, 9) operate
Task II. Provide words to match the following definitions: 1. the bones of the head_________________ 2. long curved bones that are in your chest _________________ 3. one of the two organs in your chest that fill with air when you breathe _________________ 4. two organs in your body that clean your blood and remove waste _________________ 5. the part in the middle of your leg, where it bends _________________ 6. the part in the middle of your arm, where it bends _________________
7. to injure a joint such as your wrist by suddenly stretching or turning it too much _________________ 8. a mark that you get on your body if you are hit or if you knock against something _________________ 9. a simple living thing that is smaller than bacteria and that can enter your body and make you ill _________________ 10. to have an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails 11. a lot of small red spots on the skin _________________ 12. a large flow of blood _________________ 13. a medical condition in which the temperature of your body is very high and you feel ill _________________ 14. to get better, become well again _________________
Task III. Fill in the missing words When we ________ a headache, a stomachache, a _______ throat, a cold or a pain in some part of the body, we ______ a doctor. He or she ________ our temperature and our pulse. The doctor gives us a ______________, which we take to the chemist, who makes the medicine. The doctor says: "______ the medicine twice a day or three times a day, before or after a ________". If we __________ a temperature, we must _________ in bed and ___________ the medicine prescribed. If we cannot __________ better at home, we must ________ to hospital. If we are too ill to walk there, we go in an ______________. When we have a ______________, we go to the dentist. The dentist examines our teeth and says: "That tooth has a cavity. I must put in a _________". If the tooth is too bad, the dentist __________ it out. Task IV. Translate into English:
1. Анна вывихнула плечо, пока выполняла упражнения.
2. Боль была такой сильной, что ему пришлось принять обезболивающее.
3. Похоже, у тебя не все дома
4. Мне нужно время, чтобы восстановить силы после болезни.
5. Он перенес серьезную травму, но сейчас на пути к выздоровлению.
6. Доктор мне выписал лекарства от головной боли, но они не помогают.
7. Я чувствую себя неважно – возможно, заболел, можно пойти домой?
8. Больно, когда я нажимаю здесь?
9. У вас есть аллергия на какие-либо лекарства?
10. С такой диетой можно сыграть в ящик.
11. У меня кашель и небольшая температура.
12. Врач осмотрел рану Тома.
13. Лекарства от простуды не существует, но симптомы можно лечить. 14. После игры в регби все мое тело было одним большим синяком
15. Если вы растянули ногу, приложите компресс.
Task V. Write what the following doctors do (you may use phrases "deals with", "treats", "works with", etc.): General practitioner