Английский язык 5 класс. The sun was shining brightly and ____outside.. Nearly for ___ the 1st of January is the start of new life.. time flies quickly during the holidays.. Укажите верный вариант. The 13th of January is not _____Английский язык 5 класс 1. The sun was shining brightly and ____________outside. А) it snows Б) it snowing В) it is snowing Г) it was snowing 2. Nearly for ___________ the 1st of January is the start of new life. А) anybody Б) somewhere В) nothing Г) everyone 3. _____________, time flies quickly during the holidays. А) Unfortunately Б) Otherwise В) Hurriedly Г) Still 4. Укажите верный вариант А) Every day brain consume about 20-30% of the body calories. Б) Every day a brain consumes about 20-30% of the bodys calories. В) Every day the brain consumes about 20-30% of the body’s calories. Г) Every day brain consumed about 20-30% of the bodys’ calories. 5. The 13th of January is not _____________ the 1st of January. А) important Б) importanter В) most important Г) as important as 6. In many parts _____ the United States and Canada groups _____people walk _____house ______house and sing Christmas carols А) in / --- / to /for Б) --- / by / --- / to В) at / of /in / to Г) of / of / from /to 7. When I opened my present I _________a new board game there. А) see Б) seeing В) saw Г) seen 8. The ___________ Christmas tree is a Christmas tree gifted to the people of Britain by Norway each year since 1947. А) Trafalgar Square Б) Piccadilly Circus В) Victoria Square Г) St Andrew Square 9. Укажите верный перевод «ночью» А) at night Б) in night В) on night Г) by night 10. As it gets rather snowy outside we go _________ with friends. А) fishing Б) sledding В) sunbathing Г) riding bicycles 11. Автор романа «Robinson Crusoe» А) Walter Scott Б) Jonathan Swift В) Herbert Wells Г) Daniel Defoe 12. Укажите верный вариант А) in morning Б) in a morning В) in an morning Г) in the morning 13. Укажите верный вариант
А) snowball Б) snowman В) snowdrop
14. Some children hang ____ stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts. А) up Б) off В) out Г) 1. down 15. She ate so much _______ she fell ill. А) that Б) why В) this Г) what