Alexander McCall Smith. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 95 из 95 Alexander McCall Smith
Those Who Care None of us remembers that first meeting – Tumbling out into a very different world, Into your receiving hands; Blinking at the light, we breathed The strangeness of oxygen Saw the unfamiliar walls Of the delivery room, And the first ceiling we had ever Looked at and wondered what it was. That was the first thing You did for us: welcomed us, Ushered us into infancy And childhood, and the years beyond. We never thanked you But do so now, rather late, But with all the feeling Of the long overdue Expression of gratitude, The tardy repayment Of an ancient debt. Since then, from time to time, You have picked us up, Dusted us down, bandaged The occasional consequence Of our failure to look Where we’re going Or to behave quite as we might; Tolerant, like all good Members of your professions, You said nothing, but did What was necessary. And sent us on our way, Patched up and healed. Now, quite suddenly, we call on you, And the call is an urgent one, You are there, of course, it never Occurred to you that you would be Anywhere else than at our side. Hour after hour, day after day, You are there, the support Of those hands that first delivered us Embracing us once again, With the same love, the quiet And gentle care; once again We spell out our debt, our gratitude, You say, ‘It’s what we do’ We nod and say, ‘We always knew.’ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
To Anna Valentine, without whom the book would never have happened, or if it had somehow happened, would have been terrible. To James, who did far more work on this book than I did. To the contributors, for their time, effort, energy and brilliant writing, and without whom this book would have been extremely short. To my extremely forbearing agents and cheerleaders-in-chief, Cath Summerhayes and Jess Cooper. To every single friend and colleague who forwarded emails and begged and cajoled on my behalf, turning what should have been a Herculean task into a total doddle. Especial thanks to Jonathan Ross, Konnie Huq, Shane Allen, Chris Sussman, Jonny Geller, Jonathan Lloyd, Felicity Blunt, Debi Allen, Maria McErlane, Oliver Butler, Derren Litten, Vivienne Clore, Karolina Sutton, Jo Unwin, Sheila Crowley, Rick Hughes, Nina Gold, Louise Moore, Sarah Hitchcock, Jemma Rodgers, Andy Nyman, Pete Jones, Bev Dixon, Gordon Wise, Owen Bell and Jon Plowman. To every single agent, manager, editor and publisher who helped make it all happen. To the promising young cover artist and all at Pest Control. To everyone at Orion and Trapeze listed overleaf, but with special mention to the wonderful Katie Espiner, David Shelley and Tom Noble. To PR gurus Dusty Miller and Maura Wilding. To Clays for their generous discount on printing costs. And, most importantly, to everyone I’ve forgotten.