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  1. The larger trends toward globalization, network-structured or matrixed orga-nizations, and flexible work arrangements within organizations make virtual teams very useful
  1. Wikipedia has become recognized as an increasingly common source of encyclopedic information as well as a powerful social force that challenges traditional notions of expertise and knowledge construction
  1. Do not make personal attacks anywhere in Wikipedia. Comment on content, not on the contributor
  1. the new social science will increasingly be defined by methods and strategies that combine strengths of the communication, social, and computer sciences
  1. In this article, we argue that virtual teams and other online task groups can learn from a close investigation into the policy-making discussions in Wikipedia.
Источники данных  282 сообщения и 35 обсуждений в Википедии
Методы проведения исследования Контент-анализ, Моделирование
Цитируемые / упоминаемые значимые персоны Kurt Lewin, John Dewey, Bohman J.F., Gastil J,
Наиболее значимые позиции из списка литературы (3-4)
  1. Black, L. W., Burkhalter, S., Gastil, J., & Stromer-Galley, J. (2010). Methods for ana-lyzing and measuring group deliberation. In E. P. Bucy & R. L. Holbert (Eds.)
  2. Hogan, B. (2008). Analyzing social networks via the Internet. In N. Fielding, R. L. Lee, & G. Grant (Eds.)
  3. Kriplean, T., Beschastnikh, I., McDonald, D. W., & Golder, S. (2007). Community, consensus, coercion, control: CS*W or how policy mediates mass participation.
  4. Noveck, B. S. (2009). Wiki government: How technology can make government better, democracy stronger, and citizens more powerful



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