Английский язык. 11 класс.. Тема: Здоровье и медицина.
Английский язык. 11 класс.
Урок 12.01.2021
Тема: Здоровье и медицина.

- Выполните упр. 80b (составьте определение).
- Прочтите текст. Выпишите аргументы за и против ГМО.
GMO is a genetically modified organism. GMO is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. It can be a plant, an animal or any microorganism. Today people speak a lot using this term and I have heard it many times. But I didn’t really have an idea of what exactly it is. More often you can hear this term concerning food. Unfortunately today if you do shopping and check properly the structure of the products, you will see that meat, fruit, vegetables and some other products have GMO. For companies it’s a good business. They use these ingredients to have as many products as possible and to sell. They make a lot of money. It is really convenient. They don’t worry about yield, because GMO provides good results always. The same thing is with meat. One farm has chickens and gives them natural food. As a result the chickens grow up slow and don’t have a lot of meat. At the same time another farm can give some chemical products and chickens will grow up faster and they will have a lot of meat. Of course a customer wants to buy meat, not bones. Another thing is if this GMO is good for people. Well we eat some products with GMO. Unfortunately today it’s difficult to find natural food. Only if you have your own farm and have plants and animals there. People today suffer because of different allergies and disease. I believe these chemicals additives is the reason. Also these products cost less. So instead of 1 kilo of natural fruit we can buy 2-3 kilos of fruit with additives. My family is very careful while we are doing shopping. My mom reads the structure of the product always. Also I have grandparents in the country and they have a garden. So we have fresh and natural vegetables and fruit from their garden. Unfortunately meat we buy at the shop, but we don’t eat a lot. In general people have to pay attention to these things if they want to live long and to be healthy.
- Переведите устно упр. 83. Выпишите и переведите из него словосочетания, имеющие отношение к здоровью.
Сфотографируйте всё, что записали, и вышлите в ЛС.
Домашнее задание: Упр. 92 стр. 107