a) Symptoms of intoxication+ ???Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
1. A 25-year-old man became acutely ill: copious loose stools 7-10 times a day without abdominal pain, vomiting 5-6 times a day without nausea. The body temperature did not rise. What is the correct diagnosis? a)Cholera + b) Escherichia coli c)Shigellosis? d)Pseudotuberculosis e)Intestinal yersiniosis
2. 28-year-old woman, acutely ill: copious watery stool, in the form of «rice broth». Objectively: the body temperature is normal, the abdomen is painless. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Cholera+ b)Amoebiasis c)Shigellosis d)Balantidiasis e)Salmonellosis
3. A 36-year-old man on admission to the hospital complains of indomitable vomiting, loose stools and thirst. Objectively: body temperature-36.0°C, blood pressure-80/60 mm Hg. Pulse-105 beats per minute. The voice is hoarse. Skin turgor is reduced. The abdomen is sunken, painless. The stool is liquid, in the form of rice broth, odorless. The patient arrived from India 5 days ago. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Intestinalyersiniosis b) Pseudotuberculosis c)Shigellosis d)Giardiasis e) Cholera+
4. A 36-year-old man on admission to the hospital complains of indomitable vomiting, loose stools and thirst. Objectively: body temperature-36.0°C, blood pressure-80/60 mm Hg. Pulse-105 beats per minute. The voice is hoarse. Skin turgor is reduced. The abdomen is sunken, painless. The stool is liquid, in the form of rice broth, odorless. The patient arrived from India 5 days ago. What complication? a) Infectious-toxic shock b)Hypovolemic shock+ c) Intestinal bleeding d) Intestinal perforation e) Peritonitis
5.The patient came from Uzbekistan. The disease began acutely with repeated vomiting and frequent watery stools. Body temperature – 36C. There was weakness, cramps of the calf muscles, hoarseness of the voice. Objectively: the condition is serious. The skin is pale, dry, acrocyanosis. The facial features are sharpened. The heart tones are muted. Blood pressure - 90/60 mm Hg. The abdomen is retracted. Little urine. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Cholera+ b) Botulism c)Yersiniosis d) Salmonellosis e) Food toxicoinfection
6. A 36-year-old man on admission to the hospital complains of repeated vomiting, diarrhea and thirst. Objectively: temperature – 36.0°C, sluggish. Blood pressure-80/60 mm Hg. Pulse-105 beats per minute. The voice is hoarse. Skin turgor is reduced. The abdomen is sunken, painless. The stool is liquid, in the form of rice broth, odorless. ArrivedfromIndia 5 daysago. What is the most common variant of the current course of cholera? a) Hypovolemic exotoxic+ b) Normovolemicendotoxic c) Mixed exoendotoxic d) Normovolemic, atoxic e) Subclinical
7. A 35-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital on the 8th day of the disease with complaints of pronounced weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting up to 4-5 times a day, jaundice, itching, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region and in the right hypochondrium. I got sick a week ago, when I felt weak, then my appetite gradually decreased, nausea joined, and there was vomiting. On the 5th day of the disease, the urine darkened, on the 6th day of the disease, the feces became discolored. Yesterday, the patient noticed jaundice of the sclera, increased nausea, increased vomiting. The woman was hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis B. What symptoms show the severity of the condition? a) Symptoms of intoxication+ ??? b) Pain in the liver area c) Acholic feces d) Kholuria e) Jaundice
8.The man, 43 years old, was hospitalized for 10 days with a diagnosis of "Viral hepatitis B". Complaints of weakness, vomiting. Objectively: the consciousness is clear. The patient is slow, slow to answer questions, sometimes incorrectly, did not sleep well at night. Jaundice has grown, the liver is enlarged by 2.0 cm. Heart tones are muted, pulse-90 beats per minute, blood pressure-130/90 mm Hg. The urine is dark, the stool is acholic. ELISA: HBsAg ., anti HDV ., anti HB soge total . What is the correct diagnosis? a) Viral Hepatitis A b)Viral Hepatitis A .D c)Viral Hepatitis D d) Viral hepatitis E e) Viralhepatitis B + D+
9. Zootechnik 57 years old, on the 3rd day of the disease went to the doctor with complaints of headache, fever, pain in the calf muscles, lower back, jaundice, dark urine and a decrease in its amount. Objectively: temperature 38.1°C, injection of scleral vessels, petechial rash in the chest area, hepatosplenomegaly. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Brucellosis b) Trichinosis. c)Leptospirosis+ d) Viralhepatitis e) Pseudotuberculosis
10. A 50-year-old man went to the doctor on the 5th day of his illness. He became acutely ill. All the days there was a high fever. He was worried about insomnia, pain in the neck, back, lower back, and calf muscles. Objectively: the condition is serious. Facial hyperemia, conjunctivitis, scleritis.Subicteric sclera.On the skin of the chest, abdomen, roseolous elements of the rash. The liver is enlarged by 2 cm. Blood pressure - 90/70 mm Hg. On the skin of the upper extremities after applying the cuff of the tonometer, a hemorrhagic rash appeared. Little urine. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Influenza b) Leptospirosis+ c)Typhoid fever d)Viral hepatitis e)Hemorrhagic fever
11. Male 35 years old, employee of a dog kennel. He was admitted to the infectious diseases hospital with suspected leptospirosis. A laboratory examination was carried out. In the general blood test: white blood cells-11.5x109/l, rod-shaped neutrophils-12%, ESR-30 mm/h. Biochemical blood analysis: ALT-70 U/l, AST-55 U/l, total bilirubin-55 mmol/l, direct bilirubin-30 mmol/l. General analysis of urine: relative density-1028, protein-0.3 g/l, cylinders (hyaline and granular) . ., renal epithelium . . ., white blood cells-20, red blood cells-up to 10. What are the main clinical symptoms of kidney damage in leptospirosis: a) Nephroptosis, oligoanuria, b)«Shriveled» kidney, nycturia c)«Shriveled» kidney, hematuria d)Lower back pain, urobilinogenuria e)Lower back pain, oligoanuria, hematuria+
12. A 40-year-old man, an animal breeder, complains of fever up to 39°C, headache, weakness. He got sick suddenly, 2 days ago. On the 3rd day of the disease, there was a rash, jaundice of the skin, pronounced pain in the calf muscles. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity. The skin and visible mucous membranes are jaundiced, polymorphic roseolous-papular rash on the trunk and limbs. The face is puffy, hyperemic. Pulse-130 beats per minute, blood pressure-100/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is painful in the right hypochondrium. The liver is enlarged by 2 cm, painful. The symptom of pounding on the lumbar region is positive on both sides. The urine is dark. What is the correct diagnosis? a)Infectious mononucleosis, severe course b)Leptospirosis, jaundice, moderateseverity+ c)Acute viral hepatitis, degree jaundice d)Enterovirus infection, mixed form, severe course e)Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, moderate severity
13. A 26-year-old woman was admitted to an infectious diseases hospital on the 9th day of her illness with complaints of an increase in body temperature to 39.0°C, coughing, weakness, decreased appetite, and headaches. She was feverish all day. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity. Body temperature-39.5°C. In the oropharynx: hyperemia of the mucous membrane, enlargement of the tonsils. Enlarged submandibular and axillary lymph nodes. The abdomen is soft, painless, and the liver is enlarged by 2.0 cm. The urine is yellow, the diuresis is normal. The stool is liquid. During bacteriological examination of feces, Yersinia enterocolitica was isolated. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Plague b) Listeriosis c)Yersiniosis+ d)Viral hepatitis e)Acute shigellosis
14. A 26-year-old woman was admitted to an infectious disease hospital on the 9th day of her illness with complaints of an increase in body temperature to 39.0°C, coughing, weakness, decreased appetite, and headaches. She was feverish all day. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity. Body temperature-39.5°C. In the oropharynx: hyperemia of the mucous membrane, enlargement of the tonsils. Enlarged submandibular and axillary lymph nodes. The abdomen is soft, painless, and the liver is enlarged by 2.0 cm. The urine is yellow, the diuresis is normal. The stool is liquid. Yersiniosis is suspected. What are the most characteristic changes in the general blood test? a) Leukocytosis, lymphocytosis b)Leukopenia, lymphocytosis+ c)Leukocytosis, eosinophilia d)Leukopenia, eosinophilia e)Lymphopenia, eosinophilia
15. A 26-year-old woman was admitted to an infectious diseases hospital on the 9th day of her illness with complaints of an increase in body temperature to 39.0°C, coughing, weakness, decreased appetite, and headaches. She was feverish all day. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity. Body temperature-39.5°C. In the oropharynx: hyperemia of the mucous membrane, enlargement of the tonsils. Enlarged submandibular and axillary lymph nodes. The abdomen is soft, painless, the liver is enlarged by 2.0 cm. The urine is yellow, the diuresis is normal. The stool is liquid. Yersiniosis is suspected. What is the MOST likely transmission factor: a)Water b) Raw vegetables+ c)Dairy products d)Bread and bakery products e)Medical instruments
16.The girl, 19 years old, was admitted on the 4th day of the disease with complaints of sore throat, which worsened when swallowing. Body temperature 39°C.Lacunar tonsillitis, pharyngitis, polyadenitis with mainly cervical lymphadenitis, hepatosplenomegaly, moderate jaundice of the sclera and mucosa of the hard palate. The number of white blood cells in the hemogram is 12.300 in 1 µl of blood. What is the correct diagnosis? a) Lacunar angina b) Acute viral hepatitis c) Infectious mononucleosis d) Yersiniosis, generalized form+ e) Chronic tonsillitis, decompensation
17. A 35-year-old man was admitted to the infectious diseases department with complaints of jaundice of the skin and mucous membranes, darkening of the urine, and acholicity of the stool. 2 months ago, I was treated at the dentist. He has been ill for a week, and has been bothered by nausea, vomiting, and joint pain. The condition is of moderate severity, adynamia, skin and mucous jaundice. The abdomen is soft, the liver is enlarged by 2.0 cm. Biochemical blood test: ALT - 1050 units/l, AST-650 mmol/L, total bilirubin-265 mmol/L, direct bilirubin-197 mmol/l. What is the correct diagnosis? a)Leptospirosis b) Liver abscess c) Acute cholecystitis d) Gallstone disease e)Acute viral hepatitis+
18. A 37-year-old man was taken to an infectious diseases clinic in a state of psychomotor agitation. There is a "liver" smell from the mouth. The heart tones are muffled. Tachycardia up to 120 beats per minute. The lower edge of the liver is defined by 2.0 cm above the costal arch. Jaundice appeared yesterday, a few days ago I was worried about nausea, vomiting, dizziness, poor sleep. What complication did the patient develop? a) Infectious-toxic shock b) Acute hepatic encephalopathy+ c) Acute respiratory failure d) Acute adrenal insufficiency e) Acute cardiovascular failure
19. A 40-year-old woman went to an infectious diseases hospital with complaints of severe weakness, lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, epigastric region. Gets sick for 15 days. 3 months ago, I underwent surgery for uterine fibroids, received a blood transfusion. The condition is severe, severe intoxication, drowsiness. The skin and sclera are intensely jaundiced. The liver is enlarged. The urine is dark yellow. Aholic feces. What laboratory indicator is the criterion for the severity of the disease? a)Normal ALT values b) Increase of thymol test c) Increased bilirubin levels d)Decrease in prothrombin index+ e) Increasedalkalinephosphataselevels
20. A man of 19 years old, fell ill 5 days ago with a temperature increase to 39°C, chills. I was worried about joint pain and body aches. Objectively: there is bright hyperemia in the oropharynx, the tonsils are hypertrophied, purulent-necrotic deposits on the tonsils, submandibular lymphadenitis. The abdomen is soft, painless. The liver is enlarged by 2.0 cm, painless. Epidemiological history: often uses salads from fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots). What is the correct diagnosis? a) Chronic tonsillitis b) Listeriosis, anginous form c) Purulent-necrotic angina d) Yersiniosis, a generalizedform+ e) Viralhepatitis, pre-jaundiceperiod
21. A 30-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with complaints of muscle pain, weakness, poor appetite, and fever. She became acutely ill: her body temperature rose to 38°C, there were sore throats, headaches, bruising, and appetite disappeared. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity, the skin is of normal color. In the oropharynx: the tonsils are enlarged, with a purulent coating. The cervical and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged and painful. Hepatomegaly. Epidemiological history: 12 days ago, I bought veal from private individuals and cut the finger of my right hand when cutting meat. I didn't treat the wound. Hemogram: lymphomonocytosis (75%). Agglutination reaction with listeria antigen 1:160. What is the correct diagnosis? a)Listeriosis, hepatitis form, moderate severity b) Listeriosis, septic form, moderate severity. c) Listeriosis, abdominal form, severe course. d) Listeriosis, ocular-glandular form, of moderate severity. e) Listeriosis, anginous-septic form, moderate severity.+
22. A 33-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with high fever, symptoms of intoxication, positive meningeal symptoms (rigidity of the occipital muscles, Kernig's symptom). A spinal tap was performed, and lymphocytic pleocytosis was detected. RPGA with listeria antigen 1:400. What is the correct diagnosis? a)Listeriosis, septic form, moderate severity. b) Listeriosis, abdominal form, severe course.