I, me, my, mine, myself ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 6. I, me, my, mine, myself 1. My husband and … went to the theatre last Saturday. 2. I heard the teacher talking about Richard and …. . 3. Even … own mother wouldn't believe me. 4. I should have been more careful, I blame … for what has happened. 5. I've been living on …. own for three years now. 6. I am tall, but John is taller than … am. 7. I am tall, but John is taller than … . 8. I'd like you to meet Robert, he is an old friend of … . 9. My friends say that Rome is a beautiful city, but I … have never been there. 10. When my sister saw my bike, she wanted one like … . 11. … god! What happens! I've never seen you so nervous.
7. Fill in the pronouns and possessive adjectives. The missing words refer to the sentences before.
1. I have got a tortoise. ______ is my tortoise. I keep ________ in a cage. 2. Nick is in the garden. Can you see ________? He is playing with ______ dog. 3. I've forgotten my pen at home. Can I borrow one of ________, please? 4. We are German. But _________ English teacher can also talk to ______ in English. 5. Jenny and Sally are in the house. ______ are listening to music with ______ phones. 6. You have got a new bike. Is this ________ bike? Do you drive _______ to school? 7. Who is that girl over there? Do you know _________? 8. The Scotts have got a house. This is _______ house. We can play in _____ garden. 9. What did your brother say? Have you already talked to ________? 10. He is a famous actor. You can watch ________ new show on TV. 11. Is this Tina's cat? Yes, it is ________ cat. __________ often plays with her. 12. I collect old coins. This is ________ favourite one. 13. The kids like _______ new teachers because ________ are funny. 14. Where are my glasses? Have you seen ________? 15. Is this your pencil case? Yes, it is __________. 16. This is an interesting play. You should read _________. 17. Debbie is eleven. __________ is English. We can talk to _________ in English. 18. We need a new laptop because _________ doesn't work anymore. 19. My brothers play in a band. You can watch ________ playing at the festival. 20. What's the weather like in Rome? _________ is sunny and hot. 8. Complete the sentences with myself, yourself, himself, herself,...
1. Tom saw _________ in the mirror. 2. Rita thought about hurting ________, but she realized it was wrong. Later that day, she asked her parents for help. 3. I will do it by _________ . 4. The man in the news accidentally shot ______ in the foot. 5. We enjoyed _________ at the seaside. 6. He went to the airport yesterday ______. 7. She lived there by _________. 8. I made this table by _________. 9. It is exciting for Peter to see _________ on television. 10. I spoke to the Prime Minister ________. 11. He decided to go to Spain by _________. 12. All my family caught a cold. So, we had to take care of ________. 13. My sister lives in London by _________ . 14. Did all of you go to Paris by ________? 15. He surprised ________ by waking up so early, but then he went back to sleep!
Занятие выносится на самостоятельное изучение. ЛИТЕРАТУРА: 1. Иванова, Н. А. Грамматика и лексика английского языка : рабочая тетрадь по дисц. "Иностр. язык-1 (английский)" для студ. спец.: 1-24 01 01 "Междунар. право", 1-96 01 01 "Таможенное дело"/ Н.А. Иванова, Е.Ч. Курченя; Учреждение образования "Гродненский гос. ун-т им. Я.Купалы". – Гродно : ГрГУ им. Я. Купалы, 2016. – 200 с. 2. Качалова, К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами / К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. – М.: ЮНВЕСТЛИСТ, 1998. – 718 с. 3. English for you [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: https://www.english-4u.de/grammar1.htm . – Date of access: 12.02.2020.