Дальневосточный федеральный университет»
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ)
ШКОЛА ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫХ НАУК Кафедра информационной безопасности
ЭССЕ На тему: Can I say that FEFU has a chance to become a research university?
Дисциплина: Английский для профессиональных специфических целей
Специальность 10.03.01 «Комплексная защита объектов информатизации» Форма обучения - очная
Выполнил: Середа Александра Михайловна Группа: Б8119-10.03.01кзоин
Владивосток 2021г. I study at the Far Eastern Federal University. It is one of the largest universities in the Russian Far East which tracks the greatest scientific questions trying to become the best scientific and educational center of the APR. However, it cannot be said that research is a central part of it. But the question of whether it will become a research university remains open. Personally, I believe that FEFU has every chance of getting the title of "research university". A precondition for FEFU to become a research university is the existence of a research center that is developing a lot of projects in the field of science. For example, there is an engineering community that is dedicated to the development of processes, materials, devices, and computational tools for the whole Far East. The projects in the field of social science are being developed specially for students. Thirdly, high-quality independent research at a medical center makes a huge contribution to national science. Finally, interdisciplinary teams are engaged in political, and economic analysis and they often win international competitions. All these examples, when collected into a single whole, work as one research mechanism. It is also important to note that FEFU is rapidly developing in many areas and, most importantly, it is involved in the finding solutions to a broad range of problems which gives it every chance of becoming a research university. In fact, the University is developing the information space swiftly to inform students and staff effectively. Its expertise and state-of-the-art technology combine to give everyone equal opportunities in education and expand the boundaries of understanding the human condition generally. I think this is an important aspect because the development of social software is the main task of every institution, and at FEFU it develops one step ahead. On the other hand, many my colleagues on the Student Council argue that now they do not see FEFU as a research university because it makes no sense. I personally discussed this issue with them, and I can share they views. They argue that the University takes upon a social significance rather. It organizes many public events, festivals, competitions, and so on. And It is also here that the famous Eastern Economic Forum takes place. In this way for a number of these reasons, the university simply has not enough time to take on a research role, because it cannot embrace everything at once. Summing up, it can be said here that FEFU still has the opportunity and prerequisites to become a research university. This proves both many scientific projects and the solution of global problems, although some say the opposite. For my part, I want to predict that someday we will call FEFU, for example, the Far Eastern Research University. But now 1it is not worth guessing, and all that remains is to believe in Far East Federal University.