Look at the pictures and tell if things happen in picture 1, 2 or both. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Look at the pictures and tell if things happen in picture 1, 2 or both.
1. Four children are swimming in the pool. 2. Dolphins are jumping out of the water. 3. The weather is good. 4. It's warm. 5. There is a steame boat at the sea. 6. There are houses in the background. 7. A lady is under a beach umbrellal. 8. Many people are swimming in the lake. 9. There is a sandy beach.
10. One can row on the lake. 11. Two kids are cycling. 12. Birds are flying over the sea. 13. A blue beach umbrella is standing in the meadow. 14. A boy is playing with the dog. 15. A swan is swimming in the lake. 16. There is a forest in the background. 17. Next to the swimming pool is a campsite. 18. A couple is walking on the beach. 19. A girl is just jumping into the water. 20. A man is fishing.