How long are the classes/courses?How long are the classes/courses? 5. Courses available доступные курсы What courses do you offer? Do you offer morning or evening courses? What kind of courses are available? 6. Beginning of the course начало курса обучения When does the course start/begin? 7. Number of classes per week количество уроков в неделю How many classes are there per week? 8. Number of students How many students are there in the group? 9. Number of city tours/exhibitions количество городских туров и выставок How many tours are available? How many exhibitions can you suggest? 10. Dates for departure- даты вылета (отправления) What are the departure dates?/When does the tour/trip start?
11. Opening hours/working hoursчасы работы What are the opening hours of the shop/gym/museum/library? When is the shop/gym/museum/library open? When do you work? When do you work? What are the working hours of the shop? When does the shop/gym/museum/library work? 12. Discounts/Reductions for children/ for groups/for big oders – скидки Are there any discounts/reductions for children/ a group of students? Are discounts for group of students available? Do you have any discounts for big orders? What discounts are provided for big orders/for the elderly? 13. Hotel facilitiesуслуги в отеле What facilities do you offer? What facilities are provided at your hotel? 14. Online reservation/ service/ Anvance booking бронирование Do you provide the oline booking servive? Can I reserve a room online? Can I book a room/ticket in advance? Can I make a reservation online?
15. Price/cost цена How much is the ticket/tour ? How much does the ticket/computer cost? How much do these textbooks? How can I get a price list? Is the price for a two-week course reasonable? What is the single/double room price per night? What is the price of the course? What is the price for a two-week the course?