Hilary’s office. Hilary and Jerry. Hilary is looking for things to put into a cardboard box too capacious for them.
Jerry (on his mobile phone) Billy, I got your pitch, but with respect, you arseholes, if you haven’t got the liquidity to pay your debts, why would I want to own your loan book...?
He ends the call.
Hilary Is something happening?
Jerry Uh-huh. Reality. Reality so far out on the distribution curve, it wasn’t supposed to be possible. (Shrugs.) But that’s where Cathy was, too... an outlier. Do you think it’s nature or nurture that’s responsible for Cathy?
Hilary You brought her up – is altruistic behaviour a big thing with you and Mrs Krohl?
Jerry Well, if philanthropy counts for anything...
Hilary I’d need to test you for ultimate motivation... Could be egoism.
Jerry concedes that, wryly amused by her.
Jerry On the other hand, you doing your best to bring Leo’s department down around his ears sounds more like egoism to me.
Hilary It was irrational.
Jerry’s phone burps. He takes the call.
Jerry (to phone) Guten Tag, Hans... stop, talk slower... I’m sorry, that is tough... I can’t trade it on, Hans, there’s no one taking the other side of the trade... Yeah, good luck.
He ends the call and takes a new one.
Charlie...? (Pause.) Eat it. Eat it, or default – let me know.
He ends the call.
Hilary What is happening?
Jerry A fire sale.
Hilary Why?
Jerry Well... a lot of people were selling fire insurance on a house that was burning.
Hilary But not you?
Jerry No. I was buying it.
Cathy and I are going to the country. Would you like to come out to the car?
Hilary I don’t think so. Thanks. Did I thank you for keeping her name? I meant to, in my letter.
Jerry You did. Mika liked the name. She said to say, you’d be welcome to visit...
Hilary That’s very kind. Perhaps when I’m back...
Jerry From where?
Hilary NYU, I hope.
Jerry You’ll be in New York for...?
Hilary Three years, anyway. There’s someone teaching philosophy there whose ideas are... undemonstrable.
Jerry Are you sure?
Hilary Yes, I’m sure.
Jerry Thank you.
Philosophy? Well, serves you right.
We didn’t make a drama out of adoption and she hasn’t made a drama out of it. But if she asks, of course we’ll tell her what we know, and then it’s up to her.
Hilary Yes, that’s best.
Jerry If you change your mind...
Hilary I’ll try not to.
The very last thing I imagined was that Catherine was a rich kid.
Jerry Well, what would you rather? She’s hit an awkward age...ean, she’s normal, don’t imagine she’s a saint.
Hilary I don’t.
Jerry So. Have you got any money?
Hilary How much do you need?
Jerry Ha.
Hilary I’m fine. I am so fine. I’ve been carrying my own weather all these years. It’s like the first day of spring. You know it’s a miracle, don’t you?
Jerry A miracle? No. A long shot. A coincidence. I don’t believe in miracles. As a matter of fact, I don’t believe in coincidence either. You didn’t have the information.
Cathy barges in with a mutinous show of fatigue – her boredom performance.
Cathy Dad, I am so bored waiting...
Jerry Perfect. This is Dr Matthews.
Cathy I know. Hi.
Jerry We’re going.
Hilary How are you, Cathy?
Cathy I’m good.
Jerry We’re gone. Goodbye.
He answers his phone.
Hey, David...
Cathy ’Bye.
Hilary Goodbye.
Jerry (to phone) Sorry to hear that... a one-chance-in-a-million event... A trillion? Really?
Jerry and Cathy leave. Hilary stays still, happy. Jerry comes back almost immediately with Cathy’s security laminate on its cord, with her small photo on it. He gives it to Hilary, and is walking out again without a pause. He is still on the phone.
(Entering and leaving.)... If your model was telling you the market was going to do this once every four billion years, David, there’s probably something wrong with your... Yeah...
Jerry has gone. Hilary looks at Cathy’s photo.
Hilary becomes active... turning out the drawers in her desk, looking for personal possessions to put into the box. When she has put in a few small items...ook, a sweater, Cathy’s security pass – she looks around hopelessly and empties the box on to her desk. She puts the sweater over her shoulders, everything else into her shoulder-bag, and leaves.
The End.