Participle. Variant 1. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present participle или Perfect Participle.. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия.. Participle. VariantСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Participle Variant 1 1 Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами. 1) The woman who is speaking now is our secretary. 2) Students who borrow books from the librarymust return them on time. 3) As she now felt more at ease,the girl spoke in a louder voice. 4) You must have more practice when you are learning a foreign language. 5) As the people were afraid of falling into the water in the darkness,they felt their way very carefully. One point for each correct answer Mark ___ / 5
2 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present participle или Perfect Participle. 1) (to write) an essay, she was thinking hard. 2) (to write) an essay, she went for a walk. 3) (to sit) near the fireplace, they felt warm and comfortable. 4) (to talk) to his friend in the park, she didn’t notice how a thief stole her purse. 5) (to eat) the meal, she drank a cup of tea.
One point for each correct answer Mark ___ / 5
3 Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия. 1) Девочка всегда с интересом слушает сказки, рассказываемые бабушкой. 2) Прочитав ребёнку сказку, она пожелала ему спокойной ночи. 3) Моя бабушка, приславшая мне это письмо, живёт на берегу Чёрного моря. 4) Играя в саду, они не заметили, что стало темно. 5) Будучи очень занят, он не сразу заметил меня. Two points for each correct answer Mark ___ / 10
Total score ______ / 20
Participle Variant 2
1В следующих предложениях употребите причастия вместо глаголов. Измените конструкцию предложения, где необходимо. 1) As the novel was translated into Russian, it could be read by everyone. 2) When she was running across the street, she fell and hurt her knee. 3) As the students were allowed to use dictionaries, they translated the text quite easily. 4) As soon as I have bought a ticket, I will leave for St. Petersburg. 5) She closed the book, put it down and went to see the children who were playing in the next room. One point for each correct answer Mark ___ / 5