VARIANT 2.VARIANT 2. Test 1. What should be the radius of serving of kindergarten? А. 500m. B. 600 m. C. 300m. D. 1000m. Е. 1500m.
Test 2. What should be light coefficient in the game room? А. 1:2 – 1:3. B. 1:4-1:5. C. 1:5 – 1:6. D. 1:3 – 1:4. E.1:5 – 1:8.
Test 3. What is the amount of children in a cell room(from 2 to 3 years old)? А. 10. B.15. C. 20. D. 25. Е. 30.
Test 4. What is the amount of the plot for 1 child in preschool establishment? А. 10-15 m2. B. 20-30 m2. C. 30-40 m2. D. 40-50 m2. Е. 60-80 m2.
Test 5. What is the group cell in the CPE? A. A set of premises for stay of a group of children. В. A separate block of the building for the same groups of children of the same age. С. A separate floor of the building for stay same group of children. Д. A part of the floor for stay of a group of children. Е. A premise for games of children of the same age.
Test 6. What is an educational section? A. A Classroom. B. A classroom and a corridor. C. Placed side by side premises for three forms with a recreation and a toilet. D. All the premises of a storey of a school. E. A premises for a clab.
Test 7. The time table is estimated with: А. Balls of Sivkov table. B. Brock index. C. Level of progress D. Break-outs at the lesson. E. Falling of capacity for work
Test 8. What kind of diseases can appear at school if school furniture are wrong? A. Locomotive. B. Cardiovascular. C. Gastrointestinal. D. Endocrine. E. Vision.
Test 9. The square of classroom should be: А. 50 m2 . B. 65 – 70 m2 . C. 70-80 m2 . D. 40 – 50 m2 . Е. 50 – 60 m2
Test 10. What should the distance of a school desk be? А. + 4,0 sm. Â. + 6,0 sm. Ñ. – 4,0 sm. D. -2,0 sm. Е. 0 sm.
Test 11. The level of the ground waters on the school yard should be not less: А. 1,0 m. B 1,5 m. C. 2,0 m. D. 2,5 m. Е. 3,0 m.
Test 12. What should the temperature be in the gymnasium of the school? А. 22°С. B. 21°С. C. 20°С. D. 16°С. Е. 24°С.
Test 13. What types of school buildings do you known? A. Central. B. Block. C. Pavilion. D. Isolated. Е. Central – block.
Test 14. How is adequacy of the physical loading during the physical culture lessons estimated? А. Becoming of the pulse more frequent from the level at the beginning. В. By durations of the PT lessons. C. By asking the time of becoming tired. D. By the member of PT lessons a week. E. By the vegetative reactions.
Test 15. How many the sizes of school desks should be in one class? А. 4. B. 3. C. 6. D. 1. Е. 2.