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гідробіоресурсів і аквакультури Із спеціальності 6.130301 "Водні біоресурси"
(іхтіологія і рибництво), протокол №______ від ____________
Методичний посібник рекомендовано для розвитку навичок читання і перекладу текстів з англійської мови для студентів І! курсу факультету гідробіоресурсів та аквакультури.
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Тексти дібрані з англомовних джерел.
6 - isthmus 7 - pectoral fin 8 - pelvic fin 9 - anus 10 - anal fin |
[ -nostril
2 -spines
3 - lateral line
4 - dorsal fin
5 - caudal
1. Fins : Most fish have at least one dorsal fin, a caudal fin, an anal fin. a pair of
pelvic fins, and a pair of pectoral fins. Often the first dorsal fin has hard, sharp
spines, while the other fins have soft, flexible fin rays. The fin spines and rays
are connected by a thin fleshy material that collects excess mucus. Some fish
(trout, salmon) have a small fleshy fin.
2. Scales : Scales are flat plates that form the outer covering of most fish. In most
fish the scales are bony disks developed from the under skin. Scales overlap
one another like shingles and form a protective armor for the softer body
beneath. They vary in size, shape and arrangement depending on the kind of
fish. Sharks have sandpaper - like scales that are really modified teeth. Trout,
salmon have delicate «deciduous» scales. Many fish have hard, rough scales
(perch, rockfish).
3. Lateral line : Most fish have at least one lateral line. The lateral line is a series
of small sensor/ organs used by the fish for detecting turbulence and pressure
4- Gills : Gill is the breathing organ of many animals that live in the water. It does the same work as the lung of an animal that lives on the land. Fish breathe with gills. These organs are inside hollow places on each side of the body just back of the head, if you examine the throat of a fish you will see four or more slits which open to the outside. They are called gill - openings. In bony fishes the
gills cannot be seen until the hard gill covers are turned back or removed. When a fish breathes it opens its mouth at regular time and draws in a mouth full of water. It then draws the sides of its throat together. This forces the water Through the gill openings. The water passes over the gills to the outside. Valves in the mouth keep water from escaping through the mouth again.
5. Mucus : Fish secrete mucus from their bodies to protect themselves from
parasites and disease and to help them «slip» through the water easily. It is
important to remove as much mucus as possible by washing the fish
thoroughly. Mucus tends to collect on the fins, near the anus, gill cover,
isthmus, nostrils and under the pectoral fins.
6. Body form : Body forms of fish vary greatly in shape. The different ways of
living influence fish anatomy. There are fish which keep close to the bottom,
other swim near the surface. A flat flounder lies on the ocean bottom, while a
round, bullet - shaped tuna needs to swim efficiently to capture prey.
influence of the environment in which they lived, i. e. the sea bottom.
4. The plaice does not swim upright as do other fishes, but lies on one side.
5. The plaice has an interesting colour pattern: one side of the body matches the
ground, and the opposite side is whitish.
1. The fins consist of numerous ... called fin rays which support the folds of thin
2. Coloration of perch differs depending on the natural ...
3. The organs of smell are found in the ...in front of the eyes.
4. The camouflage helps the pike to ... itself
nostril - ніздря isthmus - перешийок pectoral - грудний dorsal - спинний
caudal - хвістовий mucus -слиз to influence -впливати spine - радіалія
* Environment, head, conceal, spines.
1. Do fish scales vary in structure and reproduction quality ?
2. What fishes have rough scales ?
3. What is a lateral line ?
4. What is the function of mucus ? Where does it usually collect ?
5. What factors influence fish anatomy ?
навколишнє середовище, мул, впливати, плавати, сильний, здобич, морське дно; ловити, мати схожість, протилежний, слизький, зябри, дихати, спинний, форель.
1. The shark has sharp teeth with which it catches its slippery prey.
2. The powerful tail of shark carries a caudal fin.
3. Modifications in the anatomy of a plaice (камбала) have taken place under the
Text 2. |
Fish Evolution.
About 500 million years ago, a tiny animal first appeared in the earth oceans. This strange animal had no jaws.'It did have fins, but they were not like the fins of modern fish. This early fish was the first animal with a backbone, the first vertebrate.
Fish are the vertebrates that are best adapted to a life underwater. Their smooth bodies, usually covered with scales, are streamlined, allowing diem to glide through the water. Most fish have fins. Some fins keep a fish upright so that it does not roll over on its side. Other fins help the fish steer and stop. The side-to-side movement of the large tail fin helps the fish move through the water.
Fish take oxygen from the water through gills. As a fish swims, water passes through the its gills. Oxygen passes from the water into blood vessels in the gills. Carbon dioxide wastes also pass out of the fish through the gills. Fish have well-developed digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems.
Fish reproduce in an interesting manner. In most species female fish release jelly-coated eggs directly into the water. Then, male fish release sperm to the eggs. Because this type of fertilization occurs outside the body of the female it is called external fertilization.
Fish live in all of the earth's waters, in both fresh and salt water. But the same fish usually cannot live in both fresh and salt water. While some fish such the cod live in the cold water of the Arctic, others, such as fierce piranha, live in warm, tropical waters. Changes in fish environment can affect their body temperature. If the changes are severe, most fish will not survive. Fish have little trouble maintaining a constant body temperature as long as they remain in their native waters. This results in a saving of energy, for fish do not have to use food energy to keep warm.
VOCABULARY: the vertebrates — хребетні oxygen - кисень carbon oxygen - водень gills - зябри jaw - щелепа blood vessel - кровеносна судина fin - плавник scale-луска |
male duct - канал самця
digestive system - система травлення
circulatory system - система кровообігу
nervous system - нервова система
fertilize - запліднювати
maintain - підтримувати
release - випускати
reproduce - розмножуватися
1. Tiny animals first appeared in the earth's oceans were the first vertebrates with
no jaws but fins and backbones.
2. Fish have a number of fins preventing them from free movement through the
3. Carbon dioxide passes from the water into blood vessels in the gills and oxygen
passes out of the fish through the gills.
4. Female fish release jelly-coated eggs into the water and male fish release sperm
to fertilize the eggs.
5. In most fish species the fertilization occurs inside the body of the female.
6. Fish are able to maintain a constant body temperature when remaining in
defferent fish environments.
1. The early fish had no (щелепи) but they had (плавники).
2. Fish are (хребетні) Their bodies are covered with (луска).
3. Some (плавники) keep a fish upright, and others help the fish (рухатися) and
4. Fish have well-developed (нервова, система травлення, кровообігу)
5. (Кисень) passes from the water into (кровоносні судини) in the (зябри).
6. In the most species (самка) release (желеподібні ікринки) into the water.
7. The type of (запліднення) occurs outside the (тіло) of the (самка), it is called
(зовнішнє запліднення)
Many ... and other aquatic ... can change their ... but peppermint... are the life of the party. ... in the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean the ... begin life as males. The most change to a ... . They retain their male ... , produce ... , ... other female-phase shrimps even when incubating their own ....
1. What were the early fish like9
2. What fish are considered to be best adapted to a life underwater? Why?
3. How do fish take oxygen from the water?
* embryos, ducts, fertilize, sperm, female-phase, fish, shrimps, creatures, sex, shrimps, dwelling.
Text 3.
Bony fish.
Anyone who has eaten a flounder or a trout knows why such fish are called bony fish. Their skeleton is made of hard bones, many of which are quite small and sharp.
One important characteristic of bony fish is their swim bladder. The swim bladder is a sac filled with air that the fish can deflate or inflate. The swim bladder acts in much the same way as a life preserver that keeps people afloat By letting air in and out of the bloodier, a fish can float at any level in the water. That is why a fish can sleep underwater and not sink, even though it is not moving its fins.
There are many kinds of bony fish. Some have made remarkable adaptations to life in the water. The electric eel. for example, can generate large amounts of electricity, which it uses to stun its prey. The remora, a saltwater fish, uses a sucker to attach itself to a shark and feeds on bits of food the shark leaves behind.
Another fish that has adapted to its surroundings is the flounder. It is able to change colour to match the ocean bottom. In this way, the flounder hides from its predators.
Fish that live deep in the ocean have adaptations, that allow them to live where there is little light. Some have light— producing organs than that flash on and off to attract prey. Others have huge eyes to help them see in the dark.
Still other fish, such as the mudskipper and the walking catfish, have adaptations that allow them to come out of the water and spend some time on land. And the lungfish can bury itself in mud to survive a dry season during which the water of the stream or pond in which it lives evaporates.
1.... can live in mud without water to survive during hot and dry season.
2. Being able to changeits color, ... can save itself from being attacked by its
3. Attracting their ... some fish use light-producing organs.
4. Generating large amounts of electricity ... can stun its prey,
1. Скелет кістлявих риб складається з твердих кісток, більшість яких є
малими та гострими.
2. Важливою рисою кістлявих риб є міхур, який дозволяє рибам плавати на
будь-якому рівні у воді.
3. Кістляві риби багатьох видів мають надзвичайні пристосування до
навколишнього середовища у воді.
4. Електричний угорь уміє виробляти велику кількість електрики, щоб
паралізувати свою здобич.
5. Камбала може змінювати свій колір, ховаючись від хижаків.
a flounder - камбала
a trout - форель
bony - кістлявий
swim bladder - міхур
an electric eel - електричний угорь
adaptation - пристосування
a prey - здооич
a predator - хижак
a walking catfish - бродячий сомик
a lungfish - дволегенева риба
remora —ремора
mudskipper- мулистий скакун
1. What fish are called bony?
2. What is the main peculiarity of the bony fish?
3. What is the function of the swim bladder?
1. All fish are divided into preys and predators.
2. Bony fish have adapted to their surroundings to survive.
3. The swim bladder is filled with fluid which helps a fish float.
4. A fish can sleep under water and not sink without even moving its fins.
Text 4.
10 Jawless Fish
Jawless fish are the most primitive of all fish. They are so primitive that they lack scales and fins as well as jaws.
The lamprey, the most common Jawless fish, looks like a snake with a suction-cup mouth at one end. Even though the fish has no jaws, this suction-cup mouth is very efficient. Using its mouth, the lamprey attaches itself to the soft belly of some other fish such as a trout. Then, with its teeth and rough tongue, the lamprey drills a hole into the fish and sucks out its blood and other body fluids.
There is something else that makes Jawless fish unusual. To Find out what it is, take and forth a few times. Nothing breaks, does it? The reason is that your ear contains a flexible material called cartilage. In fact, before you were born your entire skeleton was made of cartilage. In time, the cartilage was replaced by bone, except in some places like your ear and the tip of your nose. The entire skeleton of a jawless fish is made of cartilage. The skeleton is never replaced by bone tissue. As you might expect, such a fish is very flexible and can be bent so that its head touches its tail without causing any damage to the fish.
Cartilaginous Fish
When you think of sharks, you probably think of the great white shark which has a reputation for eating people. Great white sharks, along with a few other types, have been known to attack people occasionally. But for the most part, sharks leave people alone and prefer to be left atone as well.
Sharks are included in a class of fish called cartilaginous fish. Like those of jawless fish, sharks' skeletons are made of cartilage. But unlike the jawless fish, sharks definitely have jaws. In fact, sharks are probably the most successful predators on the earth. And they have been so for hundreds of millions of years.
Also included among the cartilaginous fish are skates and rays. These fish have two large, broad fins that stick out from their sides. They beat these fins to move through the water, such as a bird beats its wings to fly through air. Rays and skates often lie on the ocean bottom, where they hide by using their «wings» to cover their bodies with sand. When an unsuspecting fish or invertebrate comes near, the hidden skate or ray is ready to attack.
Some rays have a poisonous spine at the end of their long, thin tail. They use this for defense, not to catch prey. Other rays produce small charges of electricity to stun and capture prey.
skate - скат ray - скат poisonous spine - ядовита радіалія fluid -рідина prey-здобич catch-ловити capture - захоплювати |
fish jawless - безщелепна cartilaginous - хрящова lamprey - лампрі bone tissue - кісткова тканина
skeleton - скелет tail - хвіст shark - акула predator - хижак
1. Why are jawless fish considered the most primitive?
2. What damage can jawless fish do to the vertebrates, for example, a trout?
3. What is the entire skeleton of a jawless fish made of?
4. What fish can be called cartilaginous?
шелепи, приєднуватися, тіло, кров, сосати, гнучкий матеріал, хрящ, кістка, кісткова тканина, причиняти ушкодження, хижак, плавники, безхребетний, захоплювати, здобич, ядовита радіалія, скат.
1. Jawless fish are so primitive that they lack ...
2. The most common jawless fish is .... It looks like a snake with ....
3. The skeleton of jawless fish is made of... .
4....,......... are included among cartilaginous fish.
5. Having a poisonous spine at the end of the long, thin tail, some rays use it for
Averaging 25 feet long, basking ... feed on ... in Canada's Bay of Fundy. Last summer the scientists ... eel-like bloodsucking ... attached to several of the behemoths. They contacted researchers to study this behavior. Lampreys are found out to ... sharks by feeding on their... . which contains high concentrations of toxic ... . How do the ... handle such a foul feed? The scientists think they ... the urea at incredibly high rates.
Excrete, parasitize, shark, discovered, plankton, lampreys, tissue, urea, lampreys.
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