


Случайная статья

Exercise 2. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Exercise 6. G Speaking. Exercise 2. Exercise 4 . H Writing. Exercise 1. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Exercise 5

Exercise 2

a lie about a five-week trip around South-East Asia;

a lie about a sixteen-year-old football star from Moldova

Exercise 3

1 Paragraph 1: Multiple-choice questions always follow

the order of the text.

2 The answer is c. (a threat = their new rival in the text)

Exercise 4

1 c 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 b

Exercise 6

1 let on 2 zoom in on 3 take in 4 make out 5 set up 6 hole up 7 find out 8 play on

5G Speaking

Exercise 2

In news report 1, the thief used his victim's computer to check his Facebook account and forgot to log out, so he was easy to catch.

In news report 2, the fugitive added a Facebook friend who used to be a Justice Department official. Story 2 matches the photo.

Exercise 4 

1 People can feel unhappy if a photograph of them is

posted online without their permission, for instance, …

2 somebody has a bike stolen and puts a message on

Facebook or Twitter asking for help, The kind of thing I’m

talking about is …

3 a criminal posts a photo of himself with something

5H Writing

Exercise 1

A white lie is a harmless or small lie that you tell to avoid upsetting someone.

Exercise 3

1 first person

2 four different days, yes

3 two days later, the following weekend, by the time, the next day

4 nervous, embarrassed, sympathetic

Exercise 4

1 What I should have said is that I’m terrified of them.

2 What made the situation worse was the fact that I couldn’t go back the way we’d come, so I had to use the emergency exit.

3 What she couldn’t understand was why I had lied in the first place – and neither can I!

Exercise 5

1 What made me angry was his arrogance.

2 What I found really upsetting was the fact that Harry lied to me.

3 What I've always admired is her honesty.

4 What surprised me was the fact that he posted the photo online.

5 What she was trying to do was to make us feel better.


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