


Случайная статья

I. The title. II. Authors. III. Organization. IV. Brief summary. V. Key words. VII. The research objective. VIII. Methods


The publication requirements for the participants of 

XVII Burdenko International Scientific Conference 

To participate in the conference, you must submit an article by February 15, 2021.

The results of the research have to be filled online


Only students should be authors of the scientific research. 

The page count should be no more than 5 pages. 

I. The title

The title should fully express the main idea and aim of the research.

II. Authors

J. Watson, I. Sinnen 

III. Organization

University and department, where the research was held.

IV. Brief summary

150-350 words

Relevance, the research objective, methods , results, conclusion

V. Key words

Term 1; term 2; term 3.

You can write 3-7 key words, which should show the main topic of the research.  

VI. Relevance  

VII. The research objective

VIII. Methods

     1. Design of research

     2. Compliance criteria  

     3. Modalities of the research

     4. Duration of research

     5. Description of the medical intervention (by yourself)

     6. The main outcome of research  

     7. Additional outcome of research

     8. Analysis in subgroups  

     9. Registration methods of outcome

     10. Statistical analysis  

Principles of selection calculating: describe the procedure of selection calculating or provide an other support of sample size (if any). Without such grounds indicate that the size of sample wasn’t calculated. 

Methods of statistical analysis of data: а) indicate statistical programmers package which used to analysis of research results (developer, country of origin); b) note the format of the quantitative data presentation; c) describe the statistical criteria used in data analysis.


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