Recording ScriptsRecording Scripts 1. Alice: Hi, David! What are you doing? David: I’m doing my homework, we get a lot in Mayfield High. Alice: How is your new school? What’s your favourite subject? David: I like History and I like English, too, but Art’s my favourite because it’s on Friday afternoon. And I really like the teacher. Alice: What’s your teacher’s name? David: Mrs Lapwing. Alice: lapwing? That’s a funny name! How do you spell that? David: L-A-P-W-I-N-G. Alice: And do you have lunch there? David: Yeah… We only get 45 minutes for lunch, so there isn’t time to go home. Alice: What time do you start school? David: At 8.45, earlier than you. Alice: But do you still finish at 3.15? David: No, we finish 15 minutes earlier, at 3 o’clock. Alice: And are there any good after-school clubs? David: Yes, I do Art on Tuesdays and then I do Science on Thursdays. They have a Spanish club here. I’d love to learn Spanish. Alice: Sounds great!
2. Shop assistant: Hello! Barking Pet Shop. Can I help you? Chris: Oh, hello! I’m thinking about getting a snake. Do you have any for sale? Shop assistant: Is this your first snake? Chris: Yes, it is. Shop assistant: Well, I suggest you buy a corn snake. They are very good for beginners. They’re easy to look after and they don’t grow too big. We have one which is 90 centimetres long. Chris: And what colour is it? Shop assistant: Well, corm snakes can be different colours like red, yellow and grey. But this one is a lovely orange colour. Chris: It sounds great! How much does it cost? Shop assistant: You can buy just a snake for £65 or you can have it with a tank and some food for £100. Chris: That sounds perfect! What time are you open tomorrow? Shop assistant: It’s Saturday tomorrow, so we’re open from 10 until 5. From Monday to Friday we open at 9 and close at 5.30. Chris: OK, thank you, where are you in town? Shop assistant: Do you know where King Road is? Chris: Yes, I do. Shop assistant: Well, go down King Street past the library and turn left into Broad Street. That’s B-R-O-A-D. We are number 33. Chris: OK, thank you very much, see you tomorrow.
3. After the success of our club for 8 to 11 years old, we’re now opening Time Out, an activity centre for young people aged 12 to 16. We are open on Mondays to Fridays from 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. and on Saturdays we are open at midday and close at 10 p. m. Young people can come as often or as little as they like. They are always welcome. We provide opportunities for all kinds of activities including listening to music and painting. We also have 6 new computers for those of you who love playing computer games. You can also do one of our classes. One of our most popular classes is dancing, this takes place on Wednesday and Friday evenings in the Phoenix Room, that’s P-H-O-E-N-I-X. We have sports classes too for which we charge a small amount, that’s £1.50 for each lesson. Please, look at our website for more information or come and see us at any time.
4. Hello, this is Woodgreen Health Centre. I’m sorry we are closed at the moment. We are open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 8.20 a.m. to 11 p. m. If you need to talk to a doctor outside those hours, you should call the following number 9872839. Please, remember this is for emergencies only. There’s always a doctor available to give advice when you call this number. Today’s doctor is Doctor Hammond, that’s H-A-M-M-O-N-D. If you have had an accident, you should go to St James’ Hospital in Park Road. The number 34 bus stops outside. In a real emergency you should call an ambulance. Please. See our website for more details.
5. Good morning and welcome to our programme about the best of TV this week. Life in Space is a new documentary that explores different parts of our Solar system. It’s shown on Channel 6 and there are 5 programmes to watch in a series. The presenter is Ray Greene with and E; G-R-E-E-N-E, who is one of our top scientists. He’s also very interesting and entertaining. The programme is shown on every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 starting on the 20th of May. The title of the first programme is the Eclipse of the Sun. it’s an hour of amazing information and images. In the first episode Ray is in India to learn more about the Sun, if you miss it. Don’t worry. The programme is repeated on Sunday at 7.30. This is one of the best science programmes we’ve had on TV for some time, so don’t forget to switch on.
6. Kim: Oh, hello! I’d like to book a place on one of your talks, please. Librarian: Yes, of course. Could I have your name? Kim: It’s Kim Eastwood. Librarian: How do you spell your surname? Kim: E-A-S-T-W-O-O-D. Librarian: And which talk would you like to come to? Kim: The one about comics. Librarian: Ah, as one about Superheroes. Kim: No, it’s about Manga. It’s called “Manga: the History of Japanese Comics”. Librarian: Oh, yes, that’s on Friday, the 12th of July, isn’t it? Kim: Yes, that’s right. Librarian: It’s very popular. There’s only one place left! You’re lucky! Kim: Is the talk in the morning? The last one I came to was at 11. Librarian: No, this one is in the afternoon. There’s another talk just before at 12, but your talk starts at 2.30. Kim: OK. And how much does the talk cost? Librarian: Well, it’s £5 for adults and £2 for children aged 12 to 15. How old are you? Kim: I’m 16, but I’m at school. Librarian: Then you can have the student rate of £3, but I’m afraid you need to pay right now if you can. Kim: That’s fine. Here you are.
7. Woman: Hello. Can I help you? Boy: Yes, please. I need some information about coaches to Paris. Woman: Yes, of course. When are you travelling? Boy: Tomorrow. Woman: Wednesday? Boy: That’s right. I’d like to leave early in the morning. Woman: well, the first coach to Paris leaves at seven. Boy: That’s a bit too early. Is there one that leaves around nine? Woman: There’s one at nine thirty. Boy: OK and how much does it cost? I’m a student. Woman: full-price is £50, students travel for £25. Boy: And how long does it take? Woman: It should arrive at half past five, so that’s eight hours. Boy: And which coach station do I travel from? Woman: That’s Victoria. Boy: How do you spell that, please? Woman: V-I-C-T-O-R-I-A. Boy: Great. Thank you. Woman: You’re welcome.
8. Woman: Good afternoon. FastPace Sports Equipment. Can I help you? Boy: Oh, hello. Yes, please. I’d like to order a tennis shirt. Woman: Yes, of course. We do two styles. The first is white and yellow, the second is only white. Boy: They prefer white shirts at our club so I’ll have that one, please. Woman: And what size are you? We have small, medium or large. Boy: Large may be too big, so I’d better take a medium. Woman: Of course. Boy: How much is that? Woman: the shirts are usually £10.50 but we have a sale at the moment so that's £8.50. Is that all right? Boy: Yes, that's fine. How long will it take to arrive? Woman: It usually takes three days for delivery. Today’s the 31st March, so you can expect your shirt on 3rd April. Can I take your address? Boy: Yes, it’s 59 George Street. Woman: Did you say George? Boy: yes, G-E-O-R-G-E. Woman: Right. Thank you very much. Now … please, can I take your payment?
9. Welcome to Sports Express everyone. Before you start your summer jobs, I'd like to give you some information. As you know we have two floors. Here on the ground floor we have all our sports clothes. On the first floor you can find the sports equipment. The staffroom and toilets are on the first floor too. Now … breaks and lunch. You have a fifteen-minute break in the morning, forty-five minutes for lunch and another fifteen-minute break in the afternoon. You must take lunch between twelve and half past one. The shop closes at 8 p.m. every weekday and on Saturdays, and at 4 p.m. on Sundays. I think you all have a timetable of your hours. Most of our staff work 35 hours a week, but the twelve of you will only do 25. If you have any other questions you can ask me or my manager Mr Jordan, That’s J-O-R-D-A-N if you want to email. Good luck! And I hope you enjoy working for Sports Express.
10. Hello everybody and welcome to LoneWood Studious and our one-day film course. My name is Owen and I’m your teacher for the day. First, I’d like to talk a little bit about what you can expect from the day. This morning, from 9.30-11.00, we’re going to work in small groups. There will be four groups with five of you in each group. Each group will write a short, fifteen-minute film. We will have a short break at 11.00. There will be drinks and biscuits served in your rooms. At 11.15, we’ll meet at the Seaview Studio for a tour. That’s the Seaview Studio, S-E-A-V-I-E-W. Lunch is in the café at 1 p.m. and will last for an hour. After lunch, you will have a go at filming your scripts and leave at around 6 p.m. I hope you enjoy your day. Thank you.
11. Do you enjoy meeting new people? Do you have a spare room in your house? We are looking for families with teenagers to rent out rooms to foreign students. You must live near Browne university, that’s B-R-O-W-N-E, so the students can walk there. You must give them breakfast before they leave in the morning. They will have lunch at the university, but they will need dinner in the evening. Our youngest students are aged fourteen and our oldest are aged eighteen. They are all here to study English, and they’ve all been learning it for at least five years. The students are coming in August, so please send us an email before the 1st July. You can them complete a form and we we’ll visit you at home.
12. Brian: Hi, Fiona. It’s me, Brian. Fiona: Hi, Brian! Are you calling about the trip to the newspaper office on Friday? Brian: Yes, I’ve got all the information, Fiona: Great, so, what time are we meeting? Brian: We all have to meet at nine o’clock in the hall. Fiona: And how are we getting there? Are we walking? Brian: It’s too far to walk so we’re going by coach. It leaves at half past nine, so don’t be late. Fiona: Of course I won’t be late. And what happens when we get there? Brian: Well, we’re having a tour of the newspaper office first, then there’s a talk. That finishes at about twelve. Fiona: It should be really interesting! And how much does it cost? It’s £10, isn’t it? Brian: No, it’s a bit more expensive – it’s £15 each. Fiona: OK. And does that include lunch there as well? Brian: I’m afraid it doesn’t, so we have to take our own sandwiches. Fiona: All right. Thanks for all the information, Brian.